Piggy Bank - Filet Knitting
Large album of fillet patterns. Part 8.
Large album of fillet patterns. Part 8.
Large album of fillet patterns. Part 7.
Large album of fillet patterns. Part 7.
Large album of fillet patterns. Part 6.
Large album of fillet patterns. Part 6.
Large album of fillet patterns. Part 5.
Large album of fillet patterns. Part 5.
Large album of fillet patterns. Part 4.
Large album of fillet patterns. Part 4.
Large album of fillet patterns. Part 3.
Large album of fillet patterns. Part 3.
Large album of fillet patterns. Part 2.
Large album of fillet patterns. Part 2.
Large album of fillet patterns. Part 1.
Large album of fillet patterns. Part 1.
Loin knitting. Patterns No. 5
A selection of loin knitting patterns.
Abstract geometry
Подборка схем -Абстрактная геометрия — для вязания филейным кружевом и в технике жаккарда.
Ethnic jacquard patterns. Knitting Kokopelli
Kokopelli, one of the fertility deities, drives away Winter with his flute playing and calls on Spring. A selection of patterns for loin knitting.
About the Author
Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
Latest publications
Синий ажурный кардиган
Филигранный цветочный кружевной узор плюс красивый глубокий цвет морской волны — формула успеха этой модели из полушерстяной пряжи.
Серый пуловер со съемным воротником
Пуловер со съемным воротником с центральной косой, отделкой по краям планками с игривыми «шишечками» связан спицами из пушистой пряжи с беби альпакой.
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