Model House - Crochet
Dresses, tunics, suits
Crochet openwork skirt
The skirt has a bell shape and is secured at the waist with an elastic band. The lining or petticoat can be made of fabric in a contrasting color - a typical technique for the mori style.
Peach-colored summer suit.
The suit is made of peach-colored cotton yarn, knitted with loin and fancy patterns, and consists of a top, a jacket with scallops, a skirt and a hat with a brim.
Туника «Желтые розы»
How beautiful, how fresh the roses were! When you look at this delightful tunic, you want to speak exclusively in poetry.
Crochet dress with a beautiful openwork pattern
The summer dress is crocheted with a very beautiful openwork pattern. The pattern is made with alternating white and gray yarn, which gives it a slight shadow.
Red crochet suit
Стильный женский комплект для лета: топ и расклешенная юбка. Костюм выполнен узором «прекрасные лилии». В красном цвете узор выглядит роскошно.
Summer knitted dress
Perfection itself: a variety of patterns, executed in a delicate blue color, perfectly complement the simple silhouette of this openwork summer dress.
Coats, cardigans, jackets
Stylish ARIANA jacket made from granny squares
Stylish ARIANA jacket made from granny squares
Long three-color striped cardigan.
In a long cardigan, wine red, curry and pink rhythmically alternate to create vibrant stripes of the main crochet pattern. The completeness of the model is given by plain stripes, solidly knitted with a shawl collar on knitting needles.
Three-color cardigan with an openwork pattern.
A loose straight-fit cardigan is made of comfortable yarn with viscose and linen threads. Against the background of the fabric knitted with single crochets, the openwork pattern stands out effectively.
Cardigan "Bohemia"
A new twist on the popular knitted item. This time, squares of different sizes and colors decorate a fashionable loose-fitting cardigan.
Warm cardigan and crochet scarf
Warm cardigan and crochet scarf
Жакет из «БАБУШКИНЫХ» квадратов в пастельных тонах
Жакет из «БАБУШКИНЫХ» квадратов в пастельных тонах
Summer blouses, tops
Light gray summer top with lace border
The upper part of the top is made of cotton yarn and is knitted with simple double crochets. A wide lace border, forming a figured bottom edge of the model, will require
more attention and skill
Black summer top.
An excellent pullover that even a novice needlewoman can knit. Knitted from cotton, it is perfect for summer.
Short sleeve pullover
A short pullover with a lace yoke can be worn either on its own or over a long knitted jumper.
Silver top
This silver top for women is crocheted and perfectly combines filigree patterns and silver glitter.
Chamomile summer – everything is chamomile!..
Ромашковое лето – ромашковое все!.. Подборка моделей для вязания крючком с мотивом «ромашка» — схемы и описание.
Top with openwork pattern on the back
Ажур впереди — это привычно. Ажур на спине — это эффектно.
Sweaters, pullovers, jumpers
Orange pullover with openwork border
Orange pullover with openwork border
White pullover with “fur”
White pullover with “fur”
Пуловер «Букет в корзине»
Благодаря красочному цветочному натюрморту простой джемпер превращается в настоящее произведение искусства.
Джемпер «Степь»
Изысканный узор в виде белых мотыльков украшает серый пуловер свободного кроя. Элегантная и эффектная модель в стиле casual.
Феерический пуловер в стиле бохо
Если не боитесь трудностей в работе, наградой вам станет феерический пуловер в стиле бохо, отделанный бахромой!
Полосатый пуловер с боковыми разрезами Nautical Melody
Свободная форма, неплотная вязка, свежие цвета…
Этот пуловер в морском стиле просто создан для неспешного отдыха
About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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Пуловер с узором из «сот»
Модная вещь необязательно должна быть сложной: все детали нашего пуловера вяжутся по отдельности снизу вверх и затем сшиваются. Приманкой для глаз служит узор в виде сот, выполненный в разных цветовых комбинациях.
Кардиган OYSTER
Кардиган Аида
Openwork pullover
Oversized pullover with V-neck
A chic, voluminous pullover with a V-neck is knitted with a combination of openwork tracks and braids made of wool and silk.
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