Model House - Crochet
Dresses, tunics, suits
Crochet peplum tunic
A slip dress is the perfect partner for a blouse with a piquant slit at the back, luxurious openwork peplum and ruffled sleeves. Alternatively, you can sew buttons along the entire height of the cut.
Tunic with openwork inserts
The exquisite cotton silk yarn is dyed in small sections in several colors from plum and deep purple to pink, creating a stunning optical effect in the finished product.
Skirt “Dark Orchid”
Расклешенная юбка — миди связана из полушерстяной пряжи эффектным сочетанием пяти ажурных узоров. Если вы поклонница романтического стиля в одежде — эта модель просто создана для вас!
Beautiful crochet suit: jumper and skirt.
A feminine suit of a jumper and a classic fitted skirt, which perfectly combines colors and attracts simple patterns.
White linen suit
The charm of white is limitless and delightful. Many different patterns come together seamlessly thanks to this color.
Crochet Missoni style dress
Amazingly comfortable dress, knitted with a zigzag pattern in the Missoni style, fashionable, elegant, for any time of day.
Coats, cardigans, jackets
Cardigan in fillet technique
Choosing a fillet knit for a cotton cardigan is a great solution
Brown coat
Оптимальным решением для обновки будет пальто выполненное крючком. Для основного полотна автор использует простой столбик без накида.
Striped skirt and jacket
Due to the loops knitted into the puncture, an extraordinary striped effect is created.
Granny square cardigan
Will you choose a fashionable mesh or
classic granny square,
the main thing is that the connected thing
was right for you.
Knitted coat made of squares
A warm coat with a hood can easily claim to be a hit in the spring wardrobe thanks to the decor of colored squares knitted in a spiral.
Pink openwork cardigan
Прямой силуэт, крaсивые aжурные узоры, эффектнaя зaстежкa нa три пуговицы — тaкой кaрдигaн пригодится и в будни, и в прaздники в любой сезон.
Summer blouses, tops
Ring top
Лето — время легких ажурных топов и красивых кружевных узоров. Особое место
Among them is the figure eight pattern.
V-neck top.
Master class from Elena Shkorina on knitting a very simple top with a triangular neckline on the front and back. It is made from sectional yarn in gray-blue tones and is knitted from top to bottom.
Кофточка крючком «Зефир»
Кофточка крючком — Зефир — выполнена из отдельных мотивов. Ажурные мотивы напоминают зефир.
Кофточка с узором «шишечки».
This model has a certain special charm. And all thanks to the successful combination of a spectacular pattern and a noble shade of old gold.
Black sirloin top
Black sirloin top
Sleeveless openwork pullover
Sleeveless openwork pullover
Sweaters, pullovers, jumpers
Джемпер «Пристань»
Джемпер «Пристань»
Джемпер «Тихая гавань»
Маленький портовый городок, утопающий в зелени. Домики отражаются в морской глади. Яхты и рыбацкие лодки возвращаются в порт…
Pullover "Mimosa"
Весна — это солнце, капель и веточки желтой мимозы к празднику: Именно ее нежные бутоны — главное украшение свободного пуловера горчичного цвета.
Apricot pullover
The pattern is knitted in the round from the neckline and slightly flares out from the armhole. Original openwork patterns look impressive in apricot color.
Openwork pullover
Ажурный пуловер с воланами на рукавах
About the Author
Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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