Model House - Crochet
Dresses, tunics, suits
Knitted transformable dress
The transformable dress is crocheted in one piece.
Tunic "Sunflowers"
A sunny composition adorns a loose-fitting tunic; the hem is decorated with ready-made lace. This model, the embodiment of summer itself, will become a real decoration of every woman's wardrobe.
Dress with round yoke
Crochet dress with round yoke using DROPS Cotton Merino yarn. The product is knitted from top to bottom with an openwork pattern, buttons and pockets.
Платье крючком узором «ёлочка»
The elegant dress is knitted with a beautiful herringbone pattern.
Crochet costume from motifs
Элегантный и женственный вязаный крючком комплект вишневого цвета — это пуловер и узкая юбка.
Black openwork dress
The black openwork dress is made based on a napkin pattern.
Coats, cardigans, jackets
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Summer blouses, tops
Knitted blouse with a round yoke
Вязаная кофточка — модно, красиво, удобно. А как эффектно смотрится красивый ажур! А хлопковые нити подарят комфорт и прохладу.
Loose pullover made from sectional yarns
Modern section-dyed yarns impress with the variety of shades and their combinations. Pay attention to this pullover with an interesting openwork pattern and beautiful color transitions.
Crochet vest with scallop border
A model that will allow you to create a huge number of interesting ensembles! We try, experiment, change accessories. Fortunately, color and style allow.
Sweaters, pullovers, jumpers
Airy pullover
The original and unusual model of the blouse fascinates with the graphic play of the pattern, reminiscent of the free interlacing of branches of a rose bush.
White blouse with ruffles
White blouse with ruffles
Openwork jumper
The jumper is knitted from cotton. Its peculiarity is the floral and floral elements that decorate the triangular insert and sleeves of the product. The jumper itself is knitted with a very simple pattern. The binding of the hem and sleeves also looks very beautiful.
Pullover with embossed branches and bumps
Looking for something warm and fashionable for fall? Pay attention to this chic pullover with embossed branches and cones. This is exactly the thing that will become your faithful friend in the cold season.
Elegant white jumper
This pattern is from old knitting magazines, but it is still relevant. Delicate and feminine - it will fit perfectly into your wardrobe.
Beautiful jumper with ruffles on the sleeves.
Beautiful jumper with ruffles on the sleeves.
About the Author
Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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Pullover with golf collar
Пушистая пряжа с мохером нежно ласкает кожу и на вес совсем легкая, несмотря на то что кажется объемной. Благодаря ее особой структуре различные узоры из «кос» не слишком бросаются в глаза. Сочный клубничный оттенок основного полотна уравновешивается бежевой отделкой.
Жакет рельефным узором
Игра узоров из микса шерсти, мохера и шелка создает поистине уникальные вещи, приятные глазу и нежные к телу.
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