Model House - Crochet
Dresses, tunics, suits
Dress "Provence"
What's summer without a new dress? By carefully following the steps of this master class, you can easily knit yourself a fashionable and very beautiful dress with openwork stripes.
Unusual crochet dress
In such an outfit, any figure will look incredibly interesting and slender.
Openwork dress
Charming dress with a belt made of satin ribbon. However, you can also use a leather cord or knitted ribbon in a contrasting color.
Dress "Cappuccino"
A long dress in cappuccino shades is crocheted from large and small squares. You can emphasize your waist with a narrow belt and throw a denim jacket on top!
Ribbon lace dress
Spectacular openwork dress made from section-dyed yarn.
Lace mini dress
For such a chic dress, you need to sew a cover, but keep in mind that when worn, this model can become shorter by about 6 cm.
Coats, cardigans, jackets
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Summer blouses, tops
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Sweaters, pullovers, jumpers
Pullover “Chocolate Girl”
Openwork fans and cones echo the floral squares, and the pleasant brown harmonizes well with the powdery shade. You must knit this pullover with ethnic elements.
Pullover with zigzag pattern
Three-color zigzag pullover with sleeves decorated with floral motifs.
Openwork pullover crochet and knitting
On the bright yellow pullover, the floral lace panels are knitted separately and then sewn between the side pieces, knitted in a simple striped pattern.
Jumper "Saffron"
Микс рельефных узоров и пряный оттенок привлекают внимание — на этом пуловере свободного кроя.
Нарядный белый джемпер с «Ананасовым» узором
Нарядный белый джемпер с «Ананасовым» узором
Light gray pullover with a mix of openwork patterns.
This yarn-blend pullover intricately combines three decorative patterns - it's a tricky pattern, but the effect is worth the effort
About the Author
Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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Пуловер и снуд с узором из снятых петель
Изысканный микс: в узоре из снятых петель чередуются пять великолепных оттенков — от серебристого до фуксии и баклажана. Изюминка в том, что верхняя часть пуловера темнее нижней, которая перекликается со светлым снудом.
Кардиган Bubbles
Свитер ARNAQ
Нежно-голубой пуловер BOBBLE FLOUNCE
Этот очаровательный голубой свитер (пуловер) из шерсти мериноса подарит Вам ощущение уюта и защиты от целого мира. Оригинальная вязка с узорами выделит Вас из любой толпы, а мягкость и комфорт успокоят после тяжелого рабочего дня
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