Irish lace
Other techniques
Филейное платье «Желтые розы»
Один из любимых мотивов при вязании вещей в филейной технике — это, несомненно, роза.
Платье крючком — Шелест каштановых листьев
An elegant dress with a beautiful fan pattern on the skirt of the dress and light winged sleeves. The bodice of the dress is made using the Irish lace technique.
Crochet dress with “Wave” pattern
«Майорка» от Ванессы Монторо — это платье, связанное крючком узором «Волна».Оно может привлечь многих — и любительниц платьев простых фасонов и любительниц романтического стиля.
Платье крючком — » Ноэмия»
With a dream of Rio - crochet dress from Brazilian designer Katia Portes.
Black openwork dress with round yoke
Платье » Оливия » от ведущего дизайнера в мире вязания Ванессы Монторо давно покорило женские сердца и взгляды.
Cardigan with openwork motifs
The versatility of these clothes knows no bounds and can be either casually neutral or impressively extravagant, harmoniously combined with any style.
Summer set: top, skirt and sleeves
The festive summer set looks especially elegant thanks to the richness of textures and the spectacular design of the back on the top.
Summer bag with lilies
Knitted bags are always in fashion, because knitting a handbag is not so difficult. We choose a model, select yarn, hook and knit. But don’t forget to bring something of your own... It could be a clasp, or maybe original handles.
Loin dress "Coral roses"
Fillet knitting is an ancient art that does not lose popularity.
Things knitted using this technique are so elegant in their simplicity and laconism that they are often kept for generations, acquiring a noble vintage look over time.
Summer bag of flowers
Summer is just around the corner and we could use a new handbag, but not a simple one, but a knitted one!
Coat using granny square
Пальто украшает комбинация разных по величине «бабушкиных квадратов», цветных полос, асимметрия в расположении рисунка.
Knitted bag with voluminous flowers
A beautiful bag is just a real dream! This crocheted summer bag will decorate any outfit and can become a real source of pride for its owner.
Bag with flowers
Despite the rich assortment of stores, handmade handbags remain relevant.
Dress like Kylie Minogue
An elegant dress that flatters your figure. A romantic openwork yoke adds tenderness to a seemingly simple model. The waistline is emphasized with a thin belt.
Children's blanket with bunnies
What better way to protect and warm a baby than something hand-tied? Such unique, high-quality things convey to the child the love and care of their loved ones.
Striped dress “Autumn palette”
Horizontal stripes are a classic style. The right striped dress should be in every woman's wardrobe. This versatile item helps you create a unique look for any occasion.
Stylish pullover made of fine mohair with beads
Стильный женский пуловер из тонкого, словно паутинка, мохера вошел в изящную коллекцию вязаной женской одежды под названием Мир — мир настоящей женщины.
Mohair pullover with lace
A pullover that will warm you with warmth and at the same time surprise you with its weightlessness, and is also incredibly pleasant to wear.
Mohair sweater with cones
A knitted mohair sweater with bumps will make your look stylish and unique. This sweater is currently at the peak of popularity.
Стильный свитер воротник — качели
Are large collars back in fashion or not?
But if you follow fashion, then you know that today models with cape collars and large knee socks and collars are in fashion.