Crochet dress for summer
In a crocheted dress with a beautiful openwork, you will look amazing on your summer holiday.
Tunic “Lacy hyacinth”
The original “Lacy Hyacinth” tunic is made with an interesting pattern consisting of lush columns and double crochets.
Turquoise top
Бирюзовый топ с V — образной горловиной из сквозных дорожек и рядов платочной вязки — практичная и актуальная модель.
Light blue dress with openwork patterns
Прелестное короткое платье восхитительно смотрится в пряже пастельных оттенков. Прохладная вискоза и ласкающий кожу шелк идеально подходят для жарких дней.
Tunic with openwork stripes
Эту тунику можно носить и в жару, и в прохладную погоду. Она одинаково хорошо смотрится с джинсами и просто в виде платья. Абсолютно универсальная модель.
Costume crocheted from motifs
We knit a suit with our own hands from motifs. An original suit consisting of a long skirt and a short blouse will look very impressive.
Knitted circles by Niki Epstein. Part 1
There are many ways to form a circle in this chapter. You can knit spirals, turns, turns; You can form a circle using various additions and decreases.
Dress with openwork and relief patterns
Макси-платье с замысловатыми рельефными и ажурными узорами будет прекрасно смотреться на хорошей фигуре.
Gray crochet dress
This interesting dress model is made of beautiful shimmering yarn using the fillet knitting technique, trimmed with beads knitted into the fabric along the bottom of the product.
Loose fit tunic
A fashionable knitted tunic with a loose silhouette, a combination of patterns, a wide neckline that casually reveals the shoulder.
About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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