Long openwork jacket
In a long terracotta-colored cardigan, attention is drawn to the details: original sleeves, small pockets and flowers in a mesh pattern.
Long cardigan with side slits
Тут всё работает на лёгкость и изящество, и ажурный узор, и высокие 6оковые разрезы. Выходя из дома, захватите с собой этот длинный кардиган — на случай, если вдруг станет npoxлaднo !
Jacket: Tweed in the city
Jacket: Tweed in the city
Жакет «Баварский охотник»
«Баварский охотник» — это классический кардиган на основе немецкого национального костюма, он прекрасно подходит к джинсам.
Jacket “Tangled Case”
«Запутанный случай» весь в переплетениях, здесь царит полная анархия.
Jumper "Mustard"
The base of this pullover consists of openwork squares, the sleeves are made with a light openwork pattern. The elastic band of the model is made on knitting needles, but you can always crochet it.
Pullover with “Rose Selbu” pattern
Классический джемпер с кокеткой, декорированной традиционным норвежским узором – прекрасный выбор на холодный сезон!
Knitted pullover with fancy back
On the other hand... Every thing has its downside, and this pullover is no exception. From the front it looks modest, but on the back it amazes with a deep neckline, framed by wide openwork “braids” and fastened at the top with a mother-of-pearl button.
Jacket with various braids
Jacket with various braids
Elegant crochet cardigan
What an elegant cardigan, crocheted and decorated with stripes of square motifs!
And the color is very harmonious. And the simplicity of the silhouette goes with it.
About the Author
Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
Latest publications
Cardigan with braids and mesh pattern
An interesting combination of a vertical mesh pattern and braids make this cardigan stylish and feminine.
Жилет Emsworth
Летний кардиган
Свитер с узором «Соты» и рельефными ромбами
Зимняя классика: теплый свитер с высоким горлом, украшенный узорами из ромбов и «сот».
Свитер “TSWANA”.
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