Summer top with openwork pattern
Summer top in light green with an openwork pattern.
Jacket Dots and Drops
Вязаный жакет из пряжи DROPS Muskat. Изделие связано сверху вниз с круглой кокеткой, узором с узелками и рукавами ¾. Размеры XS — XXL.
Openwork unusual top
The openwork pattern used in the model will not leave even a very spoiled fashionista indifferent.
Loin dress "Roses"
Detailed tutorial by Valentina Dyachenko on knitting a dress “ROSES”
Top "Hypnosis"
Черно-белые элементы сложились в стильный топ свободного кроя. Эффектная деталь — изящная кайма с подвесками.
Knitted summer loose pullover
Абсолютный хит наступающего лета! Да, этот пуловер лучится светом, словно солнце. Круглый вырез на спинке и край с эффектным узором из спущенных петель — все вместе выглядит настолько стильно, что невозможно отвести взгляд!
Openwork top in lavender color
This sophisticated beltless straight top with a wide boat neckline is entirely knitted in an intricate lace pattern in a cool summer yarn in a trendy lavender hue.
Midi dress with American armhole
A lightweight sleeveless midi dress, with an American armhole and a spectacular bow tie, a comfortable A-line silhouette, knitted with a pattern with removed loops imitating a striped pattern.
Blue top with a rounded hem.
In this simple-looking top, nothing distracts attention from the main thing - from the interesting asymmetrical front line, decorated with a small lace flounce.
Lace structured top with crochet bucket bag
The top with an expressive structured pattern and the stylish crocheted bag with a shoulder strap are made of cotton and linen.
About the Author
Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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