The main victory of dresses or sundresses crocheted using napkins is not only their external originality. Their “zest” is asymmetry. Thanks to her, in such an outfit any figure will look incredibly interesting and slender.
You probably don’t even have to talk about attractiveness in such a sundress, and everything is clear. But we’ll probably note about the ease of knitting. Every novice needlewoman chooses a napkin as her first product in order to practice and gain an initial skill. But napkins themselves are no longer so interesting; there are few places where they can be placed in a modern interior. But knitting a dress for yourself right away is a success. In such cases they say with a proverb: “God himself commanded.”

Автор модели Лилия Вигнан. Опубликовано на сайте
Dress size 40

For knitting you will need: 400 g of Sarmasik yarn (60% cotton, 20% viscose, 20% acrylic) 200m/50g;
Clover hook #2.

A large napkin pattern was used for knitting.

Центральный мотив вязать по схеме 1. В начале ряда заменять ст. с/н на 3 в. п. подъёма, ст. с/2н — 4 в. п. подъёма, ст. с/3н — 5 в. п. подъёма;
Кайма — вязать по схеме 4. 1-3-й ряды — круговые, далее вязать прямыми и обратными рядами (по направлению стрелок). Обрывать нить в вершине каждого мотива и закреплять в местах, указанных стрелкой.

Knit the dress in one piece, starting with the central round motif located on the left side.
Knit a chain of 10 vp. and close its ring.

Then knit according to pattern 1 in circular rows. Having knitted 27 rows, begin to form the left armhole, switching to knitting in straight and reverse rows, applying the knitting to the pattern.

Attention! Now it is most convenient to carry out wet-heat treatment and carry out further calculations for the armholes and necklines.
On the 34th row of the pattern, start knitting the front neckline, while forming the left shoulder strap.
Having knitted the strap to a height of 21 cm from the beginning of the armhole, finish knitting.
Design of armholes, neckline and front straps

Tie the left back strap symmetrically.
Fasten the thread to the front neckline and knit the right side of the dress in straight and reverse rows, forming the right side of the front and back neckline according to pattern 1.
Design of armholes, neckline and back straps

In the 40th row, fold the piece in half and, while knitting, connect a section of the right side at the level of the waist line.

Continue knitting the upper part of the dress, forming the armhole and front neckline according to pattern 1, applying the knitting to the pattern.
Finish knitting the straps at a height of 21 cm from the beginning of the right armhole.
Knit the right side of the back symmetrically, connecting it to the front while knitting along the right side.
Fasten the thread to the right side of the dress and continue knitting the lower part according to pattern 1, connecting the right side during knitting.

Determine the connection points by applying the work to the pattern.
Finish knitting on the 50th row of pattern 1.
For a smoother bottom line of the dress, knit the wedge according to pattern 2, connecting it to the front and back as you knit. The location of the wedge is shown on the pattern.
Scheme 2

Assembly. Tie the neckline and armhole according to pattern 3.

Низ платья — каймой по схеме 4.

Stretch crepe chiffon was used to line the dress. The lining shows off the beauty of the knitted fabric. The hem of the underdress is uneven and follows the line of the knitted fabric. The underdress is sewn along the neckline and armholes and firmly holds the shape of a knitted dress.
The dress is ready!

Thank you for watching!
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About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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