Ажурное платье крючком «Зеленые веточки»
Crochet, My works

Openwork crochet dress “Green twigs”

 One detail is enough for an unforgettable image. For example, dresses with a gorgeous mint green leaf pattern.

Автор модели Лилия Вигнан. Опубликовано на сайте

вязаное платье крючком


Dress size 46-48

Measurements were taken from the finished product unfolded.

Waist width – 42cm

Width along the hip line – 56cm

Skirt length – 88cm

Hem width – 70cm

Width along the chest line – 54cm

Длина платья   — 127см


Dress “Green twigs”» connected in three threads:

—  две нити шелка  арт. Sumatra 3000 м/100г  – 150г;

—  одна нить смесовой пряжи без названия —   250г;

 Average yarn thickness – 550m/100g

 Clover hooks 2.0-2.25-2.5mm

Total weight of the dress – 400g

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We have prepared a Master Class especially for our readers.

 By following the link below, you will have the opportunity to purchase a detailed step-by-step description of the “Green Branches” dress.


This master class is a sample. Described according to my knitting density, as well as the yarn I use and my size.

 You can use any yarn you like for this dress and make YOUR OWN CALCULATIONS following my example.

Before you start knitting, read the entire description in order to orient yourself in the work.

Master class made for size 46-48 (ML)

The description contains detailed explanations, step-by-step instructions in photos and diagrams.

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IMPORTANT! Be able to read and knit according to patterns. Purchasing this Description DOES NOT give you the right to distribute it in accordance with the User Agreement.

Leave questions, reviews and recommendations in the Contacts section or in direct message on Instagram @lilia.vignan

For Russia, CIS countries and other countries, an additional form of payment through fast money transfer systems gold Crown/KoronaPay Unistream/Unistream

To obtain payment details please contact us.

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  1. Larisa Chistyakova

    Lily, I really liked this dress! You knit very well! All models suit you very well! Thank you for the clarification!

  2. Tatiana

    Beautiful dress, professional work, wonderful figure! Thanks for the detailed description.

  3. Tatiana

    Здравствуйте, Лилия! Платье — отпад, но мне нравится топ (или платье) на Вашей «аватарке», синее, связанное таким же рисунком. Не могли бы Вы сделать по нему описание? Очень нравится, спасибо.

    1. Lilia Vignan

      The dress with blue leaves is currently in the works. A description will be required.

      1. Natalia

        Hello, I really like your site. Please tell me where you buy Clover hooks in Moldova?

        1. Lily

          I bought the hooks on an English website. About 20 years ago.

  4. Olga

    Dear Lily! I haven’t knitted for 25 years, you could say I’m a beginner knitter. Help me figure out how to knit the top part of a dress. I have thick threads (soft cotton 100%? 50g/175 m) and the skirt is made from 10 repeats. 50 arches. I see from your knitting that the pattern is shifting to the sidewall. Divided into 4 parts, after knitting the belt, the pineapple pattern of the skirt does not match the pineapple of the back. what does it look like from the side? There should be fewer reports on the upper part, by how much? my parameters; 104, 96, 107

    1. Lily

      When knitting a belt, change the hook to a smaller number so that the dress fits. Continue knitting the top of the dress in 10 repeats. 5 repeats on the back and 5 on the front. Make a division in the armhole in the middle of the repeat. Along the armhole, add a pair of DCs for a beautiful hem.

  5. Tatiana

    Thank you. It's great that I came to you.

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