Crochet dresses by designer Vanessa Montoro are fantastically beautiful and incredibly practical. Equally appropriate for celebrations and everyday life.
Автор модели Лилия Вигнан. Опубликовано на сайте www.liliavignan.com
“Heart dress” is knitted from 550g of Turkish yarn TULIP 250m/50g red – 100% microfiber.
Clover hook 1.5mm

The following abbreviations are used to describe the work:
VP – air loop;
ВПП — воздушная петля подъёма;
СС – connecting column;
RLS – single crochet;
Dc – double crochet;
СС2Н - double crochet stitch;
СС3Н – column with three crochets;
Schemes taken from Oksana Kulbanskaya.
The main element is a heart, we knit according to the pattern. The width of the motif is 9.5 cm.

Scheme of the main motive

Description of the main motive
We cast on a chain of 15 chain stitches and close it in an SS ring, then we cast on another 32 air loops, and we also close the last 15 into a ring.
1 ряд — 3 ВПП (3 петли подъёма — это вместо 1 столбика с накидом) и вяжем в кольцо 17 столбиков с накидом (всего по схеме 18). После начинаем вязание по цепочке — вяжем 8 ССН, а в 9 петлю цепочки вяжем 2ССН . Далее вяжем снова 8 ССН по цепочке и 18 столбиков в кольцо.
Attention! Dc knit behind (one) back wall of the VP.
2 ряд — начинаем подъёмом из 3 ВПП, разворачиваем работу и продолжаем вязание:* 2 воздушные петли, 1 столбик с накидом *и т. д. — столбики с накидом делаем через одну петлю предыдущего ряда. Так вяжем 16 ССН до середины мотива, и далее 2 ССН в середину мотива и еще 16ССН до конца ряда.
3rd row – 3VPP, 49 Dc in each column of the previous row, in the middle of the motif 5 Dc and then 49 Dc, in the last column of the previous row we knit another 1 Dc.
4th row – turn the motif to the wrong side and make a sc in the central loop of the cast-on edge. Then join together 11dc on one side of the motif with 11dc on the other side using a sc stitch.
Unfold the motif and perform a binding along the front side: 5 sc, * picot from 4 ch, 2 dc * - 25 times, 5 dc, sl st to the beginning of the row.
If this is not the first motive, do not forget to connect the motives to each other using picot.
I burn the tails of threads of this quality with a lighter. You just need to burn it quickly and stick the thread with the back of the lighter. Your thread will not run away or unravel anywhere.

We knit the dress from top to bottom in circular stripes of hearts.
General view of the finished product and numbering of stripes to describe the work.

1 – stripe – yoke – 10 hearts.
The connection of motifs during knitting of the last row is shown in the diagram.

In the yoke and in the main fabric, the motifs are connected as follows:
Description of the picot connection in the yoke
First picot connection: knit 2VP, remove the hook from the loop, insert the hook into the picot you want to join (from the front side), then pick up the removed loop and pull it through the picot; tie 2 VPs and finish with a picot of the attached motif.
The second picot is attached in the same way as the first; third picot: knit 1 VP, then knit a double crochet in a picot to the attached motif (crochet into the picot from the wrong side), then knit 1 VP and finish with a picot of the attached motif.

Then we make fans between the hearts according to the pattern, each fan separately with a thread torn off.
Scheme of the yoke pattern (between the hearts)

You can fill it with fans without interruption:
Continuous diagram of the yoke pattern (between the hearts)

Then we knit the first circular row at the yoke (purple color in the diagram) with a ruffle or mini-frill (blue color).
Next we knit strips of “hearts”:
1A – stripe of 4 motifs – Asian sprout
2 – stripe – 10 motifs
Возвращаемся к обвязыванию кокетки соединительным рядом (на схеме — зеленый цвет). При соединении кокетки с полосками провязываем мини-веера — 4ССН — в середину каждой группы из 4ССН предыдущего ряда (фиолетовый цвет).
Не забываем украшать промежуточную (соединительную) полосу мини — оборкой с обеих сторон.
Connection of yoke with strip 2

We attach strip 1A to the back yoke - a sprout consisting of 4 motifs.

We attach part of strip 2 (4 motifs) to the front yoke, placing the hearts in a checkerboard pattern.

Strip connection diagram:

Connection of strips

Frill pattern (mini ruffle):

Next, we knit a leveling row of double crochets (black in the diagram) on stripe 1A – sprout and join stripe 2 (4 motifs) on the back, also in a checkerboard pattern.
Next we knit the main fabric of the dress.
The number of motifs in stripes is indicated in the photo.
2-3-5- stripe - 10 motifs
4 — полоса — 9 мотивов
6 — полоса — 11 мотивов
7-12 полоса — 12 мотивов

Scheme for connecting stripes when moving from more motifs to fewer

Scheme for connecting stripes when moving from fewer to more motifs:

We connect according to the scheme for connecting the stripes, only: each fan is connected to a pico of a heart (do not forget to initially place the stripes so that the hearts are located in a checkerboard pattern in front).
You can use this principle:
Самый простой способ — это изначально соединить маркерами места будущих соединений лент, равномерно распределив их по лентам.
Первоначально соединяете ленты маркером в том месте, где у Вас будет перед, так, чтобы сердца располагались четко в шахматном порядке. Потом соединяете ленты между собой в противоположных местах лент. Так у Вас получатся отметки соединения переда и спинки. Затем расстояния между передом и спинкой делим ровно пополам и соединяем в этих местах ленты маркерами — соединили бока. Постепенно, путем деления отрезков лент пополам соединяем ленты маркерами между собой. При вязании соединительного ряда соединяем ленты в местах с маркерами .

We tie the neck of the dress.
Вяжем цепочку из ВП, припосаживая вырез горловины. Цепляемся СБН к пико на «сердечном мотиве». В середину мотива, для выравнивания линии выреза горловины, провязываем ССН.
Next, in the next circular row, 3DC in each arch of the previous row.
We finish tying the neckline with a mini frill.
We decorate the beginning of the neckline with a ruffle, clinging the sc to the chain from the VP of the first row of processing.

We tie the armholes.
Processing the armholes is similar to tying the neckline.
Линия обвязки от кокетки на спинке — по линии ростка — подрезы в пройме — до кокетки переда.
Asian sprout binding on the back

Trimming the hem in the armhole

Front armhole binding

The underdress is stretch crepe chiffon. The lining is sewn to the neckline and armholes. Additionally, motifs are fixed at the waistline.

Thank you for watching!
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My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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