Накидка «Любимая»
Crochet, My works

Cape "Favorite"

Накидки и шали всегда были в гардеробе женщины.  Они давали ощущение уюта и  тепла в любой обстановке.  Дорогую шаль в авторском исполнении может позволить себе купить не каждая женщина. Выход — свяжите шаль своими руками.

шаль крючком

The cape is knitted according to the description of Valentina Girich.

The cape is knitted in two folds:

— из итальянской пряжи Camelot 1000м/100г;

— галогенного люрекса;

— прозрачного бисера №6;

Hook No. 1.75 mm and No. 0.5 for tying beads.

шаль крючком


основной — мотив треугольной формы (рис. 1);

Rice. 1

схема вязания крючком
шаль крючком

 дополнительный — соединяющий мотив (рис. 3);


схема вязания крючком

 отделочный — обвязка внешних краев готового полотна накидки (рис. 2).


схема вязания крючком

 CUT: circles made up of six equilateral triangle motifs, as if transforming into each other due to the common two motifs for neighboring circles. Depending on the size of the motif, this cape can be assembled according to the diagram in Fig. 4 or fig. 5.





According to the diagram (Fig. 3), tie one connecting motif.

Then the main triangular motif according to the pattern shown in Fig. 1.

 The beginning of his work is the same flower that was taken as a connecting motif. Steam the triangular motif by securing the sides to thin steel knitting needles.

При отпаривании потягивайте спицы, расправляя и раскрывая узор мотива. Обработку горячим паром, образующимся при поднесении сильно нагретого утюга к слегка отжатой льняной ткани, повторите 3 — 4 раза.

 Теперь измерьте сторону треугольника. Если ее длина около 22 — 24 см больше, выполняйте сборку полотна накидки по схеме рис. 4 (14 треугольников и 3 соединяющих элемента)

 If the length of the side of the triangle of the motif is less than 22 cm, it is better to assemble the canvas according to the diagram in Fig. 5 (22 triangles and 5 connecting motif elements).

Triangular motifs made from fine Camelot yarn were obtained with a triangle side of 15 cm. The fabric of the cape was assembled according to the following scheme (32 triangles and 10 connecting motif elements).

Motif connection diagram


Now knit all the connecting elements, steam them and proceed to the main work.

 Knit triangular motifs, attaching them to each other, and to the connecting motif, while knitting the last circle (see the diagram in Fig. 1., where along the edge of the motif record the drawstrings are shown, connecting the motifs to each other and to the middle).

шаль крючком

It is convenient to work in the following order. First, assemble a complete circle of 6 triangular motifs with one connecting element in the center (in the assembly diagram it is marked with a dense circle in the center).

 Measure the diameter of the knitted circle, increase it by 10 cm (5 cm to the radius) and draw the same circle on a light fabric (Fig. 6).


Place on soft, secured bedding.

 Divide the circle line into 6 parts and, using pins, evenly secure the 6 outer sides of the knitted triangles that make up the circle.

Steam. You can also steam a circle using six thin steel knitting needles, but their length should be at least slightly larger than the side of the triangle.

Now assemble the second circle.

 Completing the sixth triangle of this circle with its third side, join the first, already completed circle.

Now steam the second circle, securing its edges using one of the described methods.

 Finish the bottom edge of the cape by knitting and attaching two triangular motifs and one connecting element, as shown in the diagram in Fig. 4.

 Steam these motifs one by one, securing their edges to the knitting needles.

 According to the diagram in Fig. 2 tie the outer edges of the shawl and steam it.

Накидка «Любимая» готова!

шаль крючком

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