The description is given for Russian sizes: 42/44 (46/48).
Length: approximately 72 cm.

You will need:
Yarn – type LINIE 110 TIMONA (60% pure wool, 40% polyacrylic; 120 m/50 g) 750 (800) g;
Straight and short circular knitting needles No. 4.5 or No. 5;
Auxiliary knitting needle.
Garter stitch:
front and back rows - front loops.
Edge loop:
knit like a knotted edge.
Start with a purl row: * K1. p., 1 p. cross. p. *, repeat from * to *, finish 1 persons. P.;
Front row: * 1 purl. p., 1 persons. cross. p. *, repeat from * to *, finish 1 p. P.
Main pattern:
(multiples of 36 + 1 + chrome stitches) knit according to the pattern:
The diagram shows only the front rows. In the purl rows, knit the loops according to the pattern, purl the yarn overs.
First, connect the row with additions, then constantly repeat from the 1st to the 52nd row.
The exact distribution of loops is indicated below in the description.

Elastic for sleeves and collar:
alternately 2 front loops, 2 purl loops.
The exact distribution of loops is indicated below in the description.
Knitting density:
main pattern: 23 p. x 26 r. = 10 x 10 cm;
elastic bands for sleeves and collar (measured in a slightly stretched state): 20 p. x 22 r. = 10 x 10 cm.
Description of work:
BACK: cast on 91 (99) sts on needles and start 1 purl. row: 1 chrome. p., 2 p. garter stitch, 85 (93) p. elastic, 2 p. garter stitch, 1 chrome. P.
After 5 p.m. elastic bands, start the main pattern and first complete a row with additions according to the pattern: 1 chrome. p., 2 p. garter stitch, 18 (5+18) p. before rapport, 2 times rapport, 19 (19+5) p. after repeat, 2 p. garter stitch, 1 chrome. p. = 115 (125) p.
In this distribution, continue according to the scheme.
Note for size 46/48: in 37 and 43 r. the patterns on both sides of the edge from the 4th to 8th points can also be crossed.
After 20 cm of the main pattern, decrease 2 stitches on both sides and continue without garter stitch only with the main pattern + edge. p. = 111 (121) p.
For shoulder bevels, after 62 cm of the main pattern on both sides, close 1 time, 5 (5) p., in every 2nd r. 9 more times for 3 sts (5 times for 4 sts and 4 times for 3 sts).
At the same time, after 66 cm of the main pattern for the neckline, close the middle 41 stitches and finish both sides separately.
To round the neckline, reduce every 2nd r. 1 time 2 p. and 1 time 1 p.
BEFORE: knit like a back, but with a deeper neckline. To do this, after 60 cm of the main pattern, close the middle 35 stitches and finish both sides separately.
To round the neckline, reduce every 2nd r. 6 times 1 p.
SLEEVES: cast on 54 (58) sts on the knitting needles and start the pattern for the sleeve from purl. row: 1 chrome. p., * 1 p. p., 2 persons. p., 1 p. p. *, repeat from * to *, 1 chrome. P.
For bevels, add sleeves on both sides every 12th r. 7 times 1 p. (in every 8th row 9 times 1 p.) = 68 (76) p.
Include added loops in the main pattern.
After 48 (46) cm, loosely close all loops.
ASSEMBLY: sew shoulder seams.
For the collar, raise 108 stitches (front 60 stitches and back 48 stitches) and knit 25 cm with an elastic band on all loops (= alternately 2 knit stitches, 2 purl stitches), then close the loops according to the pattern.
Sew in the sleeves as marked on the pattern (*), then sew the sleeve seams and side seams to the placket in garter stitch.
Sew the closed loops of the planks together.

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Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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