Жаккардовый пуловер с воротником гольф
Knitting, Knitting ideas, Sweaters, pullovers, jumpers

Jacquard pullover with golf collar

вязаный пуловер

A classic pure wool pullover with a geometric yoke pattern, partly repeated at the bottom and on the sleeves. The model is made in circular rows from the neckline.

Dimensions: 32–34 (36–38) 40–42 (44–46) 48–50 (52).

Product width: 88 (96) 104 (112) 120 (128) cm.

Product length at the middle of the back: 57 (59) 60 (62) 65 (68) cm.

Sleeve length at inseam: 47 (48) 49 (49) 50 (51) cm.


You will need: yarn Novita Icelandic Wool (100% wool; 50 g/90 m) – 9 (9) 10 (11) 12 (13) skeins light gray (color 045), 2 (2) 3 (3) 3 (4) skeins white (color 010), 2 (2) 2 (3) 3 (3) skeins of red-brown (color 663); circular knitting needles No. 4, length 40 and 80 cm; circular knitting needles No. 4.5, length 40 and 80 cm; stocking needles No. 4 and 4.5; 5 markers.

Knitting density: facial stitch circle. in rows and rows in forward and reverse directions (knitting needles No. 4.5) - 18 sts x 24 r. = 10 x 10 cm.

Elastic circle. in rows. Knit alternately k1, p1.

The stockinette stitch is circle. in rows. In each row, all loops are knit.

Norwegian circle pattern. in rows. Knit according to counted patterns A and B in stockinette stitch in a circle. in rows.

All rows are shown.

Counting scheme A. Repeat the initial rapport of 3 sts. Knit 1 time 1-54th r. or as stated in the description.

Counting scheme B. Repeat rapport from 6 sts. Knit 1 time 1-16th r.

схема вязания спицами

Note. The pullover is knitted in the round. in rows from top to bottom, the direction of work is indicated on the product pattern. If necessary, change circular knitting needles to longer ones.

If only one number is given, it applies to all sizes.

Round yoke. Using knitting needles No. 4, 40 cm long, using gray thread, cast on 80 (82) 84 (88) 88 (90) sts for the golf collar, mark the beginning of the row with a marker and knit a circle with an elastic band. in rows.

After 24 cm, switch to needles No. 4.5, 40 cm long, and knit 2 rows. with the front stitch, while in the 1st r. evenly add 10 (11) 18 (20) 26 (30) sts = 90 (93) 102 (108) 114 (120) sts. Next, knit a circle with a Norwegian pattern. in rows according to counting pattern A, starting with 2 (2) 2 (2) 2 (1st) p. and knit 30 (31) 34 (36) 38 (40) times rapport from 3 p. 3 (3) 3 (3) 3 (2nd and 3rd) rows: repeat rapport from 3 p.

4th row: 30 (31) 34 (36) 38 (40) sts are added (at the beginning of each rapport, knit 1 knit crossed from the stretch) = 120 (124) 136 (144) 152 (160) sts.

Days 5–8: repeat rapport from 4 points.

9th day: add 30 (31) 34 (36) 38 (40) p. = 150 (155) 170 (180) 190 (200) p.

Days 10–14: repeat rapport of 5 sts.

For sizes 32-34 skip the 11th and 12th rows, for sizes 36-38 and 40-42 skip the 11th row.

15th day: add 30 (31) 34 (36) 38 (40) p. = 180 (186) 204 (216) 228 (240) p.

16–24th r.: repeat rapport from 6 points.

25th day: add 30 (31) 34 (36) 38 (40) p. = 210 (217) 238 (252) 266 (280) p.

26–31st: repeat rapport from 7 points.

32nd day: add 30 (31) 34 (36) 38 (40) p. = 240 (248) 272 (288) 304 (320) p.

33–54th r.: repeat rapport of 8 sts.

For sizes 32-34 and 36-38, skip 39 r.

Next, knit a circle with gray thread in stockinette stitch. in rows, while in the 2nd row. evenly add 0 (6) 0 (2) 4 (6) p. = 240 (254) 272 (290) 308 (326) p.

After 20 (21) 21 (22) 22 (23) cm from the collar, divide the work into 4 parts, marking them with markers: 71 (76) 83 (89) 95 (101) sts for the back, 49 (51) 53 (56 ) 59 (62) sts for the 1st sleeve, 71 (76) 83 (89) 95 (101) sts for the front and 49 (51) 53 (56) 59 (62) sts for the 2nd sleeve.

Description of knitting

Back and front. Continue working in stockinette stitch as follows: knit 71 (76) 83 (89) 95 (101) back stitches, set aside 49 (51) 53 (56) 59 (62) sleeve stitches, for the bottom armhole cast on 10 (11) 10 (13) 13 (13) sts, knit 71 (76) 83 (89) 95 (101) sts for front, set aside 49 (51) 53 (56) 59 (62) sts for 2nd sleeve and cast on for bottom armholes 10 (11) 10 (13) 13 (13) p. = 162 (174) 186 (204) 216 (228) p. Continue working with stockinette stitch circle. in rows.

After 25 (26) 27 (28) 31 cm from the armhole, start knitting a Norwegian pattern according to counting pattern B, starting with the 1st row, and knit 27 (29) 31 (34) 36 (38) times rapport from 6 P.

Knit 1 time 2–16 r.

Next, switch to needles No. 4 and knit a circle with an elastic band. rows of gray thread.

After 5 cm, loosely close all the loops, knitting them according to the pattern.

Sleeves. On circular knitting needles No. 4.5, 40 cm long, cast on 49 (51) 53 (56) 59 (62) stitches for one sleeve and knit in stockinette stitch in a circle. in rows with gray thread, while in the 1st row. From the additionally cast on armhole loops, knit 9 (11) 11 (12) 13 (14) sts = 58 (62) 64 (68) 72 (76) sts. The beginning of the row is in the middle of the additional armhole loops.

After 2 (3) 2 (1) 4 (1) cm from the armhole, start decreasing for the sleeve bevels: knit 1, knit 2 stitches together with a slant to the left (remove 1 stitch like a knit stitch, knit 1, pull it through removed loop), knit until the last 3 sts, knit 2 sts together, knit 1. Repeat decreases 7 (9) 10 (9) 11 (13) times every 4.5 (3.5) 3.5 (4) 3 (3) cm = 42 (42) 42 (48) 48 (48) p .

Knit a circle 35 (36) 37 (37) 38 (39) cm from the armhole. in rows with a Norwegian pattern according to counting pattern B, starting from the 1st row. and 7 (7) 7 (8) 8 (8) times repeat the rapport of 6 p. Knit 1 time 2–16 r., then 1 r. gray thread, while evenly decreasing 4 (2) 2 (6) 6 (4) p. = 38 (40) 40 (42) 42 (44) p.

Switch to stocking needles No. 4 and knit a circle with an elastic band. in rows.

After 5 cm, loosely close all the loops, knitting them according to the pattern. Knit the 2nd sleeve in the same way.

Assembly. Pin the pullover onto the pattern, moisten it and let it dry. Sew small holes at the lower armholes.

Turn the golf collar outwards. Thread all the threads.

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