Кардиган в стиле колор-блок
Knitting, Knitting ideas, Coats, cardigans, jackets

Color block cardigan

вязаный кардиган

В центре внимания — цветовые блоки и полоски! Узкие или широкие, контрастные или хитроумно замаскированные — наслаждайтесь их многообразием.

A real sensation! When creating this model, the principles of patchwork sewing were masterfully used. The piece features a pearl pattern in four contrasting colors, including long, wide sleeves. The straight, loose silhouette features a V-neck and elasticated hem. The shelves are fastened with a button, and a large button with butterflies serves as decoration.

Dimensions: S (M) L (XL) XXL

You will need: пряжа Bergère de France Barisienne 7 (100% акрила; 80 м/ 50 г) — 6 (6) 7 (7) 8 мотков темно-желтой (№ 10225, нить А); 4 (4) 5 (5) 6 мотков молочного цвета (№ 10229, нить B); 4 (4) 5 (5) 6 мотков серой (№ 10297, нить С); 3 (4) 4 (4) 5 мотков бежевой (№ 10228, нить D); спицы № 6 и 6,5; маркеры для вязания: 1 кнопка диаметром 20 мм; 1 деревянная пуговица с рисунком бабочек диаметром 38 мм.

вязаный кардиган

Elastic band 1

Pearl Pattern:

1-й р.: * 1 лиц., 1 изн., от * повторять. 2-й р.: » 1 лиц., 1 изн., от » повторять. Повторять эти 2 р.

Knitting density: жемчужный узор (спицы № 6,5) — 14 п. х24 р. = 10 х 10 см. Note: When working on the details of the back and shelves, you should carefully cross the threads on the wrong side to avoid the formation of holes.

Back: On knitting needles No. 6, cast on with milky thread 54 (56) 59 (63) 66 p. and dark yellow thread 19 (21) 24 (28) 31 p. = 73 (77) 83 (91) 97 p.

Knit 2 cm (= 4 r.) with an elastic band with threads of different colors, while at the beginning of the row knit 1 person. (knit 1) purl 1 (1 purl.) K1.

 Switch to needles No. 6.5 and continue knitting with a pearl pattern according to the counting pattern and the selected size.

After 50 (51) 51 (52) 53 cm (= 120 (122) 122 (124) 126 r.) from the starting row, attach markers to the first and last loops of the row to mark the beginning of the armholes (see counting chart) and continue knitting pearl pattern.

 After 68 (70) 72 (74) 76 cm (= 164 (168) 172 (178) 182 r.) from the initial row, close for shoulder bevels on both sides in every next 2 r. 2 x 8 p., 1 x 9 p. (1 x 8 p., 2 x 9 p.) 2 x 9 p., 1 x 10 p. (2 x 10 p., 1 x 11 p.) 3 x 11 p.

 Simultaneously with the 1st decrease for the shoulders, close the middle 19 (21) 23 (25) 27 sts for the neckline and finish both sides separately.

 To round the inner edge, bind off 1 x 2 sts.

вязаный кардиган

 Left shelf: on knitting needles No. 6, cast on with gray thread 22 (24) 25 (27) 28 p. and milky thread 17 (18) 19 (22) 23 p. = 39 (42) 44 (49) 51 p. Knit 2 cm (= 4 p.) with an elastic band, start the row for sizes S, L and XXL 1 purl; for sizes M and XL 1 person Switch to needles No. 6.5 and continue knitting with a pearl pattern according to the counting pattern and the selected pattern.

After 50 (51) 51 (52) 53 cm (= 120 (122) 122 (124) 126 r.) from the beginning row, mark the beginning of the armhole on the right, as on the back.

At the same time, decrease for the neckline on the left at a distance of 3 stitches from the edge in each next 6th row. 7 x 2 p. (8 x 2 p.) 8 x 2 p. (9 x 2 p.) 9 x 2 p.

Decrease 2 stitches at a distance of 3 stitches from the edge, knit a row to the last 6 stitches, knit 3 stitches together with the front or back (according to the pattern), then 3 stitches with a pearl pattern.

Close the loops for the shoulder bevel on the right, as on the back.

вязаный кардиган

Right shelf: On knitting needles No. 6, cast on with dark yellow thread 14 (15) 16 (19) 20 p. and milky thread 25 (27) 28 (30) 31 p. = 39 (42) 44 (49) 51 p. Knit 2 cm (= 4 r.) with an elastic band, start the row for sizes S, M and XXL 1 purl; for sizes L and XL 1 person

Switch to needles No. 6.5 and continue knitting with a pearl pattern according to the counting pattern and the selected size.

After 50 (51) 51 (52) 53 cm (= 120 (122) 122 (124) 126 r.) from the beginning row, mark the beginning of the armhole on the left, as on the back.

 At the same time, make decreases for the neckline on the right, as on the left shelf.

Decrease 2 stitches at a distance of 3 stitches from the edge, knit 3 stitches with a pearl pattern, knit 3 stitches together with the front or back (according to the pattern), finish the row. Close the loops for the shoulder bevel on the left, as on the back.

вязаный кардиган

Left sleeve: On knitting needles No. 6.5 with gray thread, cast on 53 (55) 61 (63) 67 sts and knit with a pearl pattern.

After 20 cm (= 48 rubles) from the starting row, continue knitting with dark yellow thread. Knit 1 p. knit, then knit with a pearl pattern.

After 53 cm (= 128 r.) from the initial row, put the loops aside.

Right sleeve: On knitting needles No. 6.5, cast on 53 (55) 61 (63) 67 sts with gray thread and knit with a pearl pattern.

After 6 cm (= 14 r.) from the initial row, continue knitting with dark yellow thread. Knit 1 p. knit, then knit with a pearl pattern.

After 34 cm (= 82 r.) from the initial row, continue knitting with a milky thread. Knit 1 p. knit, then knit with a pearl pattern.

 After 53 cm (= 128 r.) from the initial row, put the loops aside.

Assembly: sew shoulder seams.

 Sew the sleeves into the armholes between the markers using a backstitch.

Sew side seams.

 Sew the seams of the sleeves, while for the lapel the seam on the lower 6 cm is made from the front side.

On the front side of the left shelf at the beginning of the neckline, at a distance of 4 cm from the edge, sew the convex part of the button.

 On the wrong side of the right shelf, sew a button detail with holes.

Sew a button on the front side of the right shelf.

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