This elegant cardigan from designer Mari Lynn Patrick is made of simple patterns using camel-colored yarn.
Size: XS/S/M/L/XL/2XL

- 750/750/800/900/950/1000 g camel-colored yarn Zara Plus by Filatura di Crosa (100% wool, 70 m/50 g);
- knitting needles No. 5;
- large and small buttons - 2 pcs.
Garter stitch: persons and out. R. – persons P.;
Large pearl pattern:
1st day: alternately 1 persons. p., 1 p. P.;
2nd row: knit according to the pattern;
3rd row: alternately 1 purl. p., 1 persons. p. (over the front p. of the previous row, knit purl., over the purl p. - knit.);
4th row: knit according to the pattern. Repeat 1-4th row;
+1 p. (= 1 knit p. behind the front and behind the back wall): First, knit a loop located on the left knitting needle, knit behind the front wall, do not remove the knitted loop from the left knitting needle. Then knit the same loop on the left needle, knit, but behind the back wall. Remove the double knitted loop from the left needle.
Large pearl pattern: 16 p. and 28 r. = 10 x 10 cm;
Garter stitch: 17 p. and 32 r. = 10 x 10 cm.

Cast on 80/84/88/96/112/120 sts on knitting needles and knit with garter stitch 7.5 cm (25 r.) from the start of work, finish with knits. near. Continue working with a large pearl pattern and knit 21 r. Next executeseries of decreases (front side): 1 person p., 2 p. together persons. or 2 p. together purl. (depending on the pattern), knit with a large pearl pattern until the last 3 sts of the row, 2 sts together. or 2 p. together purl. (depending on the pattern), 1 person. n. Repeat a series of decreases in every 8th r. 3 more times, - on knitting needles 72/76/80/88/104/112 sts. Knit with a large pearl pattern 48 cm from the start of work. Next execute a number of additions (front side): + 1 p., knit. to the last 2 p. of the row, + 1 p., knit. n. additions to the next. 3 rows, - 80/84/88/96/112/120 sts. Place markers on each side of the part, thus marking the beginning of the armholes. Knit 6.5/7.5/9/10/12.5/14 cm from the markers and complete series of decreases (front side): 4 persons p., 2 p. together persons. with a slant to the left, knit stitches to the last 6 stitches of the row, 2 sts together knits, 4 knits. p. Repeat this row in the 16th row. again, - 76/80/84/92/108/116 sts. Knit to armhole sizes 16.5/18/19/20.5/23/24 cm from markers.
To form the neckline and shoulder bevels, close off 5/5/5/5/6/7 p. at the beginning of the next 8/12/10/4/2/8 p., 4/0/6/6/7/8 p. .at the beginning of the next 4/0/2/8/10/4 r. and at the same time, in the 5th row of closing the loops for the shoulder bevels, close the central 16/16/18/20/22/24 stitches for the neckline and knit both sides separately. To round the neckline, close off 1 x 2 sts.
Left shelf (bottom)
On the knitting needles, cast on 42/44/4/50/58/62 sts and knit with garter stitch 7.5 cm (25 r.) from the start of work, finish with knits. near. Next execute series of decreases (front side): 1 person p., 2 p. together persons. or 2 p. together purl. (depending on the pattern), knit with a large pearl pattern to the end of the row. Repeat a series of decreases in every 8th r. 3 more times, - on knitting needles 38/40/42/46/54/58 sts. Knit with a large pearl pattern 25.5 cm from the start of work, finish with knits. near.
Trace of the river (wrong side): purl P.
Trace of the river (front side): purl p., close the hinges, put the work aside.
Left shelf
On the knitting needles, cast on 42/44/4/50/58/62 sts and, starting from the purl 2nd row, knit with a large pearl pattern 21 r. Next execute series of decreases (front side): 1 person p., 2 p. together persons. or 2 p. together purl. (depending on the pattern), knit with a large pearl pattern to the end of the row. Repeat a series of decreases in every 8th r. 3 more times - on knitting needles 38/40/42/46/54/58 sts. Knit with a large pearl pattern 19 cm. Then continue with garter stitch and knit up to 40.5 cm from the start of work. Next execute a number of additions (front side): + 1 stitch, knit stitch to end of row. Continue adding 1 st at a time for the armhole in the next row. 3 rows, - 42/44/46/50/58/62 sts. Place a marker at the end of the last purl. row, thus marking the beginning of the armhole. Knit 6.5/7.5/9/10/12.5/14 cm from the marker and perform series of decreases (front side): 4 persons p., 2 p. together persons. with a tilt to the left, knit stitches to the end of the row. Repeat this row in the 16th row. again, - 40/42/44/48/56/60 sts. Knit until the armhole measures 11.5/12.5/14/15/18/19 cm from the markers, finish with knits. near.
To shape the neckline next R. (front side) close off 4/4/5/4/5/6 p., knits. n. to the end of the river Continue forming the neck, casting off another 4/4/4/5/5/5 x 2 p., - 28/30/31/34/41/44 p. Knit up to 16.5/18/19/20.5/ 23/24 cm from the marker.
To form a shoulder bevel, close 4/6/5/2/1/4 x 5/5/5/5/6/7 p. and 2/0/1/4/5/2 x 4/0/6/6 /7/8 p.
Right shelf
Knit symmetrically to the left front.
On the knitting needles, cast on 56/60/64/68/76/80 sts and knit 3 p. Next, starting from the 2nd purl. row of a large pearl pattern, knit with a large pearl pattern 6.5 cm from the beginning of work, finish purl. near. Close the loops.
Knit the second sleeve in the same way.
Moisten the parts a little and let them dry. Sew shoulder seams. Sew sleeves into armholes. Place the lower parts of the shelves on the upper ones and sew them to each other on the sides. For the neckline along the edge of the neckline, pick up 70/70/74/78/82/86 sts and knit:
1st r. (wrong side): purl P.;
2nd r. (front side): purl P.;
3rd row: persons n. Close the loops.
For the left shelf strip On the knitting needles along the outer edge of the shelf, raise 87/89/91/9395/97 sts and knit 3 rows, like a neck strap, close the loops. Knit the right front panel in the same way. Sew large buttons over the pockets. Sew small buttons on the inside. sides under large buttons. Crochet yarn in 2 folds to create a cord and sew it in the form of a loop under a small button on the left shelf.
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About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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