Васильковый пуловер 
Knitting, Knitting ideas, Sweaters, pullovers, jumpers

Cornflower blue pullover 

вязаный пуловер

Удлиненный пуловер с «косами» и ажурными узорами спицами

Size: 46-48.


You will need:

450 g yarn (70% polyacrylic, 30% wool; 50 g/125 m); knitting needles No. 4, hook No. 3.

Garter stitch: knit. and out. knit rows.

Openwork pattern with braids A:

Knit according to pattern 1, which shows only persons. rows.

In purl. In rows of loops, knit according to the pattern, yarn overs - purl.

Repeat from the 1st to the 50th row.

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Openwork pattern with braids B:

Knit according to diagram 2, which shows only persons. rows.

In purl. In rows of loops, knit according to the pattern, yarn overs - purl.

Repeat from the 1st to the 50th row.

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Central pattern:

Knit according to pattern 3, which shows only persons. rows.

In purl. In the rows, purl all the loops and yarn overs.

Repeat from 1st to 6th row.

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Knitting density: 18 p. and 25 r. = 10 x 10 cm.

вязаный пуловер



Cast on 88 sts and knit 2 rows in garter stitch.

Continue in the following distribution: edge, 12 stitches in stockinette stitch, * 5 stitches in purl stitch. satin stitch, 14 sts of the central pattern, repeat from * 3 times, 5 sts purl. satin stitch, 12 sts. iron, chrome

At a height of 66 cm from the beginning, for the neckline, close off the middle 28 stitches and finish both sides separately.

To round the inner edge, cast off 2 x 2 stitches in every 2nd row.

At a height of 68 cm from the beginning, close off the remaining 26 stitches of the shoulder.


Cast on 88 sts and knit 2 rows in garter stitch.

Continue in the following distribution: chrome, 11 stitches. satin stitch, 3 p. satin stitch, 19 p. openwork pattern A, 3 p. purl. satin stitch, 14 p. central pattern, 3 p. purl. satin stitch, 19 p. openwork pattern B, 3 p. purl. smooth, 11 sts. iron, chrome

At a height of 61 cm from the beginning, for the neckline, close off the middle 14 stitches and finish both sides separately.

To round the inner edge, cast off 1 x 3, 2 x 2 and 2 x 1 stitches in every 2nd row.

At a height of 68 cm from the beginning, close off the remaining 26 stitches of the shoulder.


Cast on 40 stitches and knit 4 rows in garter stitch.

Continue in the following distribution: chrome, 9 sts. satin stitch, 3 p. satin stitch, 14 p. central pattern, 3 p. purl. smooth, 9 sts. iron, chrome

To bevel the sleeves on both sides in each 8th row, add 15 x 1 p. satin stitch = 70 p.

At a height of 53 cm from the beginning, close all loops.


Sew shoulder seams.

Crochet the edge of the neckline 1 row st. b/n and 1 row “crawfish step” (st. b/n from left to right).

Sew side seams and sleeve seams, sew them into armholes.

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