Джемпер тёмно-желтого цвета  «листиками»
Knitting, Knitting ideas, Sweaters, pullovers, jumpers

Джемпер тёмно-желтого цвета  «листиками»

Not all that glitters is GOLD......that glitters! High-quality merino yarn and a catchy fancy pattern are enough to get something special.


 Knitting needles No. 3 and 3.5; knitting markers.


28 p. x 35 r. = 10 x 10 cm, knitted with a fancy pattern on knitting needles No. 3.5.

24 p. x 32 r. = 10 x 10 cm, knitted in stockinette stitch on needles No. 3.5.


Facial surface


Knit alternately 1 person... 1 purl.

Garter stitch

вязаный пуловер

Fantasy pattern

 Knit according to the pattern.

вязаный пуловер



On needles No. 3, cast on 126 (132:144:154: 172) sts and knit 4 cm with an elastic band.

Switch to knitting needles No. 3.5 and continue knitting in stockinette stitch and in a fantasy pattern according to the diagram, evenly adding in 1-st. 20 p. = 146 (152:164:174:192) p.

 Next knit as follows: 0 (3:0:5:5) sts in stockinette stitch, 146 (146:164: 164:182) sts in fancy stitch (knit 8 (8:9:9:10) times 18 sts. rapport and 2 purl) and finish 0 (3:0:5:5) sts with stockinette stitch.


31 cm from the starting row, attach markers to the 1st and last sts of the row to mark the beginning of the armholes.


After 51 (52:53:54:55) cm from the initial row, close off 7 (7:8:9:10) sts for shoulder bevels on both sides, then in each next 2-st. 4 (1:—-) x7p., 1 (4:1::-) x 8p., -(:4:3:)x9p., -(:2:)x10p., -(5)x11 p.


After 52 (53:54:55:56) cm from the beginning row, bind off the middle 20 (20:20:22:22) stitches for the neckline and finish both sides separately. To round the inner edge, close each next 2-m. 2 x10 p.


Knit like the back, but with a deeper neckline.


After 44 (45:46:47:48) cm from the beginning row, bind off the middle 18 (18:18:20:20) stitches for the neckline and finish both sides separately.

 To round the inner edge, close each next 2-m. 1 x4 p., 2 x3 p., 3x2 p., 2 x1 p. and in each subsequent 4-m. 3x1 p.


Через 51 (52:53:54:55) см от начального ряда закрыть для плеча со стороны проймы 7 (7:8:9:10) п., затем в каждом следующем 2-мр. 4 (1:::-) x7 п., 1 (4:1::-) x 8 п., — (:4:3:-) x 9 п., — (—:2:-) x 10 п., — (—::5) x 11 п.


Using knitting needles No. 3, cast on 64 (70:74:78:84) stitches for each sleeve and knit 6 cm with an elastic band.

Switch to knitting needles No. 3.5 and continue knitting in stockinette stitch and fancy pattern according to. diagram, evenly adding in 1-mr. 28 (28:28:28:32) p. = 92 (98:102:106: 116) p.

Next knit as follows: 0 (3:5:7:3) sts in stockinette stitch, 92 (92:92: 92:110) sts in fancy stitch (knit 5 (5:5:5:6) times rapport from 18 p. and 2 p.) and finish 0 (3:5:7:3) p. with stockinette stitch.

 Для скосов прибавить с обеих сторон (вязать прибавленные петли лицевой гладью) в каждом следующем 14-мр. 3 (2:—:-) x 1 п., в каждом следующем 12-м р. 8 (9:11:10:7) x1 п., в каждом следующем 10-мр. — (:-1:4) x 1 п. = 114 (120:124:128:138) п. Через 49 (48,5:47,5:46,5:44,5) см от наборного ряда закрыть петли.


Sew the right shoulder seam. Using knitting needles No. 3, cast on 132 (132:132:136:136) stitches along the edge of the neckline and knit 3 rows. garter stitch, then bind off the stitches by knitting them on the right side of the work.

Sew the second shoulder seam.

Sew the sleeves into the armholes between the markers.

Sew side seams and sleeve seams.

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