Пуловер с кокеткой с узором из «кос»
Knitting, Knitting ideas, Sweaters, pullovers, jumpers

Pullover with yoke with braid pattern

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Все внимание — на зону груди и шеи! Широкая «коса» посредине переда переходит в V-образную кокетку, а ее узор из более мелких «кос» продолжается на высоком воротнике. Смесь шерсти альпака и хлопка делает такой пуловер подходящим для разных сезонов.

Dimensions: 36/38 (40/42) 44/46


You will need: пряжа (51% шерсти альпака, 49% хлопка; 165 м/50 г) — 300 (300) 350 г цв. лесного ореха; спицы № 4 и 5; круговые спицы № 5.

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 Pattern 1: elastic band (the number of loops is a multiple of 4 + 2 edge loops).

 Purl rows: edge, * knit 1, purl 2, knit 1, from * constantly repeat, edge.

 Front rows: knit loops according to the pattern.

Pattern 2: лицевая гладь = лицевые ряды — лицевые петли, изнаночные ряды — изнаночные петли.

Pattern 3: strip with a “braid” (in the 1st row on 22 p., then on 32 p.) = knit according to. scheme 1.

 It shows only the facial rows; In the purl rows, knit loops according to the pattern.

Perform 1-44th rows 1 time, then repeat 1 time 19-44th rows. = only 70 rub.

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Pattern 4: yoke pattern (in the 1st row for 3 p.) = knit according to. scheme 2.

It shows only the facial rows; In the purl rows, knit loops according to the pattern.

Perform 1-50 (58) 66th r. 1 time, while on both sides on the first last 17 sts constantly repeat 1-8th r.

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 Pattern 5: braid pattern (80 stitches) = circular rows: continue the pattern with 2 circular rows, to do this, constantly repeat the 59-66th circle. R. and perform 2 x 40 stitches in the red frame.

The diagram shows only odd circular rows; In even circular rows, knit loops according to the pattern.

Knitting density:

узор 2 — 16,5 п. х 27 р. = 10 х 10 см; узор 3 — 32 п. = ширина 13 см;

узор 5 — 22 п. х 27 круг. р. = 10 х 10 см.

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Back: on knitting needles No. 4, cast on 86 (94) 102 sts and for the bottom bar, knit 5 cm with pattern 1, and start with 1 purl row.

 Continue working on size 5 needles using pattern 2.

After 44.5 cm = 120 rub. (47.5 cm = 128 rub.) 50.5 cm = 136 rub. from the bottom bar, close on both sides for shoulder bevels 1 x 3 (3) 4 p., then in every 2nd p. close 4 x 3 p. and 2 x 4 p. (6 x 4 p.) 4 x 4 p. and 2 x 5 p.

Через 50,5 см = 136 р. (53,5 см = 144 р.) 56,5 см = 152 р. от нижней планки закрыть оставшиеся 40 (42) 42 п., из них средние 32 п. образуют горловину, внешние по 4 (4) 5 п. — плечи.

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Before: on knitting needles No. 4, cast on 86 (94) 102 sts and for the bottom bar, knit 5 cm with pattern 1, and start with 1 purl row.

Continue working on needles No. 5 and distribute the loops as follows: edge stitch, 31 (35) 39 stitches of pattern 2, 22 stitches of pattern 3, 31 (35) 39 stitches of pattern 2, edge stitch.

Due to increases in the 1st r. pattern 3 is now on knitting needles 96 (104) 112 sts.

After 26 cm = 70 rub. from the bottom bar continue working for the yoke on the middle 36 sts.

pattern 4, while expanding the yoke acc. pattern in every 2nd row; As a result, the number of loops on both sides will be reduced.

After 44.5 cm = 120 rub. (47.5 cm = 128 rub.) 50.5 cm = 136 rub. from the bottom bar, close on both sides for shoulder bevels 1 x 3 (3) 4 p., then in every 2nd r. close 4 x 3 p. and 2 x 4 p. (6 x4 p.) 4 x 4 p. and 2x 5 p.

 Simultaneously with the start of knitting the shoulder bevels, no longer expand pattern 4, but continue to knit loops according to the pattern and cross the “braids”, as before, every 8th row.

After 50.5 cm = 136 rubles. (53.5 cm = 144 rub.) 56.5 cm = 152 rub. From the bottom bar, close 4 (4) 5 sts on both sides and set aside the middle 42 sts for the neckline.

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Sleeves: Using knitting needles No. 4, cast on 34 (38) 42 sts for each sleeve and for the placket, knit 5 cm with pattern 1, while starting with 1 purl row and in the last row of the placket, evenly add 12 sts = 46 (50) 54 p.

Continue working on size 5 needles using pattern 2.

For bevels, add 13 (11) 11 rows on both sides. 1 x 1 p., then in every 12th r. 7 x 1 p. and in the next 10 p. 1 x 1 p. (in every 10th r. 10 x 1 p.) in every 10th r. 9 x 1 p. and in every 8th r. 2 x 1 p. = 64 (72) 78 p.

After 43 cm = 116 r. (44.5 cm = 120 rub.) 46 cm = 124 rub. close all loops from the bar.

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Assembly: sew shoulder seams.

For the collar, cast on 38 stitches (= 80 stitches) on circular knitting needles to the set aside 42 stitches at the front along the edge of the back neckline and knit 7.5 cm = 20 circle. R. pattern 5 so that the “braids” of pattern 4 are continued on the front.

Attention: There is 1 “braid” on the shoulders; cross the “braid” on the left shoulder to the right, cross the “braid” on the right shoulder to the left, knit “braids” on both sides of the middle of the back, like “braids” on both sides of the middle of the front.

Close the loops according to the drawing. Sew in the sleeves. Sew side seams and sleeve seams.

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