Openwork cardigan-vest Comfort Wrap
An original model of a vest cape, knitted on 5.5 mm knitting needles from fluffy thin alpaca yarn. The pattern is knitted in a single fabric using a garter openwork pattern consisting of rhombuses.
Tunic with original openwork
Ажурные структуры и узор из «листьев», связанная поперек средняя часть — эта туника привлекает внимание чарующим сочетанием узоров, которое под силу опытным вязальщицам.
Lilac tunic with openwork border
Every woman has her own collection of basic things in her wardrobe, which includes shoes, handbags, and scarves. A tunic with an openwork border looks elegant,
Summer yellow pullover with dropped armholes
A short yellow summer pullover with an elongated shoulder line is knitted with large openwork diamonds and light summer yarn.
Openwork top
Two models on the same theme are presented in two versions: a top T-shirt for young girls and a top with openwork wings for older ladies.
Jumper with floral motifs
Jumper with floral motifs
Blue wide pullover with openwork pattern
A short, wide pullover with an elongated shoulder line is knitted with an airy openwork pattern throughout the fabric made of cotton yarn with silk and viscose.
White cardigan
Кардиган связан регланом узором «листики» по всему полотну. Листики можно вязать и лицевыми, и изнаночными петлями, можно чередовать их в узоре.
Top Coconut Adventure
Топ связан из пряжи DROPS Safran ажурным узором. Размеры S — XXXL.