Men's jacket with hood
The men's jacket with a zipper is knitted from LANG YARNS MERINO + yarn, consisting of extra-fine merino wool.
Jacket in neutral beige color.
No summer wardrobe would be complete without a classic jacket in neutral beige. The batwing silhouette and knitted panels give the openwork romantic model a light sporty touch.
Oversized jacket with braids and pearl pattern
Жакет свободного силуэта фисташкового цвета с косам и жемчужным узором. Жемчужный узор всегда хорошо сочетается с косами и жгутами.
Cardigan Autumn in the Air
Cardigan Autumn in the Air
Jacket with full sleeves
Openwork jacket with three-quarter sleeves (cross knitting)
Large crochet flowers. Part 2.
Japanese magazines of the Asahi Original series are always interesting and original proposals and
crochet projects.
Chic women's jumper
Такой яркий свитер, связанный спицами внесет солнечную ноту даже в самый ненастный и холодный зимний день.
Fitted pullover with stand collar
Вязаный свитер спицами теплый и одновременно эффектный.
An original pullover made of round motifs of different diameters.
An original pullover made of round motifs of different diameters.
Pullover with an unusual pattern
Pullover with an unusual pattern