Pullover with “Rose Selbu” pattern
Классический джемпер с кокеткой, декорированной традиционным норвежским узором – прекрасный выбор на холодный сезон!
Knitted pullover with fancy back
On the other hand... Every thing has its downside, and this pullover is no exception. From the front it looks modest, but on the back it amazes with a deep neckline, framed by wide openwork “braids” and fastened at the top with a mother-of-pearl button.
Jacket with various braids
Jacket with various braids
Elegant crochet cardigan
What an elegant cardigan, crocheted and decorated with stripes of square motifs!
And the color is very harmonious. And the simplicity of the silhouette goes with it.
Cardigan knitted and crocheted
Among the few purely traditional things, we also offer completely unusual creations that can make a deep impression on creative people. For example, a jacket with crocheted inserts made from granny squares, with openwork patterns and other effects
Pullover with a curly floral pattern and “bumps”
Красивый пуловер с воротом стойкой связан спицами замысловатыми аранами и «шишечками» словно вьющийся виноград из объемной легкой пряжи с шерстью.
Filigree lace pullover
Crocheted pullover - a filigree lace pullover is knitted from single crochets and double crochets, which is not at all difficult if you follow the pattern exactly.
Pullover with openwork patterns
Прелестное сочетание ажура и «кос» смотрится необычайно женственно и элегантно, особенно в пряже нежного телесного оттенка.
Pink raglan pullover
Воплощение женственности и нежности — розовый пуловер реглан с соблазнительным вырезом и красивым рельефным узором на рукавах.