Pink dress made of individual squares
Sophistication during the day, temptation in the evening: you see a real sea of flowers on a fabulously beautiful openwork knitted dress made of many individual squares of a delicate pink shade.
Two-tone summer top
The crocheted mesh pattern looks impressive in a two-color version made of black and white thread. To decorate the top, a two-color binding and lush tassels along the bottom were used.
Openwork blue dress
Красивое, ажурное и нежное платье, связанное спицами, прекрасно подойдет для жарких летних дней.
Pullover with plunging necklines and ribbed pattern
Пуловер в рустикальном стиле из неотбеленного плотного хлопка удивительно комфортен.
Openwork crochet skirt with motifs
The openwork maxi skirt is knitted with beautifully patterned stripes and floral motifs to create a beautiful lace design. A long knitted skirt looks luxurious, feminine, and romantic.
Green top with leaf pattern
Этот топ впечатляет не только ярким зелёным цветом, но и необычным кроем, так как вяжется из 4-х частей.
Summer suit in dusty rose color
This delicate summer suit consisting of a short top and skirt is knitted with an interesting geometric pattern.
Pullover with openwork pattern
Классический крой пуловера не выглядит скучным благодаря разнообразию ажурных узоров.
Ажурное платье — туника
Это ажурное платье можно носить как само по себе, так и в качестве туники.
White patterned skirt
The flared skirt with a scalloped hem is made in a variety of openwork patterns all around. The model will look especially impressive if you use a skirt in a bright contrasting color as an underskirt.