Fantasy summer top
This top is interesting not only for its combination of color shades and patterns, but also for its American armholes and spectacular yoke
Черно — белый пуловер
On this pullover, white longitudinal and black transverse openwork stripes are combined diagonally.
Long top with openwork stripes
Длинный вязаный топ с фантазийной игрой из ажурного узора и полос из дырочек – станет хитом сезона.
Юбка крючком «Игра цвета».
Do you want to knit a colored skirt, but don’t want to bother with choosing shades? Opt for ready-made gradient yarn.
Pullover with sirloin pattern
Fillet patterns have many fans and this interesting pullover will be a real gift for them.
Exquisite jumper with delightful openwork patterns
Очаровательный джемпер с восхитительными ажурными узорами выглядит очень романтично и изысканно.
Crochet openwork skirt
The skirt has a bell shape and is secured at the waist with an elastic band. The lining or petticoat can be made of fabric in a contrasting color - a typical technique for the mori style.
Summer openwork mini dress with lace
Выразительное мини- платье на шнуровке связано спицами выразительными кружевными узорами из хлопково-льняных ниток с легким меланжевым эффектом.
Peach-colored summer suit.
The suit is made of peach-colored cotton yarn, knitted with loin and fancy patterns, and consists of a top, a jacket with scallops, a skirt and a hat with a brim.
Summer pink bustier top
An excellent model for hot weather on vacation days: a top with thin straps, made of viscose yarn that is pleasant to the body