Openwork summer suit made of cotton
The elegance and charm of a great summer suit is undeniable. Of course, knitting will require time and skill, but you are guaranteed everyone's attention.
Woven jacket
Короткая история — зато какая яркая и запоминающаяся! Ослепительный маленький жакет из ослепительной пряжи. Восторженные взгляды окружающих вам обеспечены.
Openwork dress with lace
A beautiful simple dress is decorated with openwork lace - this gives the product an additional decorative effect.
Stylish crochet coat
Stylish crochet coat from Flora Mazi.
Jacket with buttons
An interesting jacket in folklore style (with northern motifs) with buttons, trimmed with square motifs along the bottom and sleeves.
Summer dress with openwork trim
A chic crocheted summer dress with an openwork skirt, a great outfit for warm weather.
Multicolor mini dress with patterns and motifs
The low waistline, highlighted by a striking stripe of square motifs, visually lengthens the figure.
Long openwork dress and crochet handbag
This summer we will all be sporting lacy and transparent maxi skirts, because they are so feminine!
Openwork crochet dress
Openwork crochet dress made from individual motifs with interesting decor with buttons and rhinestones.
Collection of three-dimensional patterns. 3-D square – part 3-4-5
The humble granny square gets a new look in a collection of 3D crochet patterns
About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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Пуловер с узором из «сот»
Модная вещь необязательно должна быть сложной: все детали нашего пуловера вяжутся по отдельности снизу вверх и затем сшиваются. Приманкой для глаз служит узор в виде сот, выполненный в разных цветовых комбинациях.
Кардиган OYSTER
Кардиган Аида
Openwork pullover
Oversized pullover with V-neck
A chic, voluminous pullover with a V-neck is knitted with a combination of openwork tracks and braids made of wool and silk.
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