Нежный кардиган «Голубое облако»
Сочетание ажурных дорожек, расположенных по вертикали и по горизонтали, создает необычный рисунок этого жилета.
Openwork summer coat
Openwork summer coat
Black openwork jumper
A very attractive and intriguing model. It is not easy to knit, but the result of the work is worth it.
Pullover with diamond pattern
A pullover with sleeves looks stylish and noble. The artfully color-matched striped pattern of small diamonds is framed by a soft black yarn background. This combination produces a stunning visual effect.
Комплект «Хрустальная роза»
Pink flowers on a long openwork coat and a miniature hat with a veil create a romantic and mysterious image.
Knitted coat with an openwork pattern in light green color
Knitted coat with an openwork pattern in light green color
Костюм из «бабушкиных» квадратов
Модный тренд лета — костюм из «бабушкиных» квадратов от Ulla Yohnson
Pullover with fan pattern
Delicate pink shades of two different types of yarn are combined in a decorative fan pattern. The pliable pile yarn for the sleeves emphasizes the softness of the knitted fabric.
Everything is quite simple and at the same time stylish
Openwork burgundy pullover
Openwork burgundy pullover
Жакет из мотивов крючком
Жакет теплых пастельных тонов показатель изысканности и безупречного вкуса.
About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
Latest publications
Jumper with wide elastic band and openwork braids
The perfect fit and classic knit pattern make this style completely versatile - it will fit perfectly into any wardrobe.
Кардиган OYSTER
Кардиган Аида
Openwork pullover
Больше воздуха: этот пуловер требует определенного опыта вязания, но усилия того стоят – благодаря ажурной структуре и смесовой хлопковой пряже он получится изящным и невероятно легким.
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