Amazing knitted jacket
Crafted from a super soft yarn in smoky gray tones, this jacket is simple yet elegant. The main trump card of this model is a wide light placket with a knitted Amazing inscription. Unusual solution!!!
Pink blouse
Нарядная блуза карамельно — розового цвета связана сочетанием квадратных сетчатых мотивов и узора создающего имитацию воланов (подол и рукава).
Sundress with a luxurious loin skirt
A chic sundress with a flared skirt with roses, the bodice is trimmed with knitted flowers.
Openwork vest with border
Openwork vest with border
Openwork jacket with lace trims
The straight silhouette of the papaya-colored jacket emphasizes the beauty of the embossed leaf pattern. Fashionable: wide lace border.
Openwork colored crochet pullover
This pure cotton pullover is perfect for summer. The transitions of bright candy colors in the “leaf” pattern arise due to the alternation of different shades of the order in a row.
Pink pullover with ruffled sleeves
Pink pullover with ruffled sleeves
Top with bird
Если выбираете рустик в одежде, то не нужно бояться выглядеть «капустой» — многослойность во всех ее вариациях будет уместна!
Pullover with openwork yoke
Хлопковый летний пуловер с короткими рукавами, который вяжется сначала обычной лицевой гладью, декорирован сверху роскошным ажурным узором из «кос», переходящим в зубчатую планку горловины.
Pullover with cones
At first glance, this elegant sweater is knitted, but it is not. This wonderful pattern is crocheted. If this is your favorite type of needlework, then be sure to knit yourself this elegant pullover with cones.
About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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Pullover with openwork pattern
Свободный пуловер с воздушной структурой создает ощущение беззаботности. Он принадлежит к тем универсальным моделям, которые идеальны для комбинирования и настолько удобны, что их не хочется снимать.
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