Jacket with two-color patent pattern.
Yellow-gray jacket with button fastening, V-neck and straight silhouette, knitted from pure wool yarn. The model uses a two-color brioche pattern, which requires a lot of yarn, but it’s worth it - the jacket will turn out not only beautiful, but also very warm
Cardigan with yoke with braids
Lilac cardigan with a rosette pattern with a round openwork yoke framed by braids. The cardigan is knitted from 100 % cashmere on thick needles No. 7.
Jacket with mesh patent pattern
The eye-catching melange yarn is perfect for the patent mesh pattern that is used in this jacket.
Ocher braided jacket
What is jaculover? The answer is here: a creative combination of a pullover and a jacket, emphasized by various braid patterns. Great item for any occasion!
Long openwork cardigan with loose sleeves
A long, roomy cardigan with loose sleeves is great to throw over your shoulders on a cool evening.
Jacket with hood and aran patterns
This luxurious button-down jacket is crafted from soft alpaca wool in an aran pattern and features a hood.
Jacket with Brioche pattern
Brioche patterns look amazing on this mohair and silk jacket. A fancy relief ornament, like lace, is superimposed on a background of wide two-color stripes.
Long jacket with wide shawl collar
A versatile jacket with a wide shawl collar and button closure, knitted in an openwork pattern using llama wool, mohair and silk yarns.
Cardigan with hole pattern and braids
An openwork cardigan with stripes in the form of elastic bands is knitted in a holey pattern with “braids” from soft pink 100 % cotton.
Pullover jacket and minidress
A jacket without a fastener with a long openwork shawl collar made of sectionally dyed yarn will make an excellent pair with an airy, fitted dress with multi-colored stripes.
About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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Openwork pullover
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