Openwork jacket with shawl collar
Swing jacket with short sleeves and a solid knitted shawl collar. Its design is based on the contrast of two patterns: pearl and dropped loops.
Openwork jacket with lace trims
The straight silhouette of the papaya-colored jacket emphasizes the beauty of the embossed leaf pattern. Fashionable: wide lace border.
Quiet Moments jacket
Knitted jacket made from DROPS Flora yarn. The product is knitted from top to bottom with a round yoke, a leaf pattern, and a fluffy English rib.
Jacket with pigtails and lace pattern
Мода меняется, одно новое веяние сменяется другим, но женственность — это вечная ценность. Она неподвластна ни моде, ни времени. Бежевый ажурный жакет — как раз из таких вещей, над которыми не властна мода.
White jacket with openwork pattern
White jacket with openwork pattern
Openwork sweater with frills
The original “unraveling” pattern is formed by neat ruffles on the sleeves and at the bottom of the sweater.
Cardigan Lochmaddy
This gorgeous cardigan with Aran patterns by Sarah Hutton is knitted using cotton yarn.
Straight cut openwork jacket
The jacket will come in handy on a cool summer evening, in winter and autumn as office wear, or in spring, when it is not yet summer and no longer spring.
Jacket sea nymph
A charming knitted jacket for women, made from medium-thick cotton yarn. Knitting a jacket begins from the neckline; additions to the raglan lines are made along the edges of the pattern with which the raglan is decorated.
Jacket with openwork border
This charming slip-on jacket is adorned with all-knit openwork scallops along all edges.
About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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Жакет в полоску и сумка с зубчатым узором
Жакет впечатляет изысканным выбором цветов — они представлены широкими полосами, образующими оригинальный зубчатый узор на спинке и полочках.
Кардиган OYSTER
Пушистая пряжа из шерсти мериноса и альпака–отличная возможностьпридать привлекатель ность любому вязаному изделию. Несмотря на сквозной узор и отсутствие застежки, он хорошо сохраняет тепло и нравится всем без исключения.
Кардиган Аида
Openwork pullover
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