Openwork cardigan with hood.

You will need: 500g white yarn (400m/100g), hook N 3.7 buttons.
The model consists of floral motifs connected to each other in the last row. Each motif is knitted separately (pattern No. 1).

Knit one motif for a sample, steam, dry.
Calculate the number of motifs according to your sizes.
If the width of the product does not match the required dimensions, try changing the hook or yarn.
Knit the details of the cardigan, connecting the motifs on six sides, arranging them in a checkerboard pattern.
Place the motif halves along the edge of the product so that it is straight.
Tie the hood, connect all the parts together.
Tie the edge of the product and the sleeves with an openwork border according to pattern No. 2.

Sew on the buttons.

Description of the lemon boho windbreaker
Author Alena Zinovieva
Size 42-48
Materials and tools:
450 g of yarn Troitskaya Astra 100% cotton 610 m/100 g, hook 2.0 (I knit tightly, if you knit loosely, you will need a smaller hook) 5-7 buttons.
The size of the motif from face to face is 10 cm, from corner to corner 11 cm.

Execution order:
Start assembling the windbreaker by forming a fold on the back.
Tie the motif according to the pattern below. When you knit a single crochet marked with an arrow, fold the motif in an opposite fold and finish the row according to the pattern.
По верхней грани мотива — 8 арочек из трех воздушных петель.
3-4ю и 5-6ю — центральные — необходимо будет зацепить при вязании верхнего мотива.
1-2th arch when knitting the left motif and 7-8th when knitting the right one.

Then knit the motif according to the main pattern of the pattern, located exactly above the fold motif.

When knitting the last row of the motif, attach the 3rd-4th arches with middle loops, the picot to the central column of the first motif and the 5th-6th arches with middle loops.
It should turn out as shown in the picture.

Back view

Knit the left and right motifs from the fold motif according to the basic pattern.
When attaching the left motif, do not forget to connect the 1st-2nd arches from the edge of the central one, when attaching the right motif to the central one, 7-8th arches from the edge of the central one.

Attach one more motif to the left and right of the fold motif and the top row to the left and right motif.
Continue knitting the back, knitting motifs for the left and right shoulders, knitting the same motifs for the front, connecting the shoulders to each other with arches of air loops.

Using the same pattern, knit the motifs for the armhole and sleeves, also connecting them to each other like shoulders with arches of air loops.

Knit two motifs along the back for the armhole:

And two motifs on the left and right shelves for the armhole according to the scheme:

Assemble the hood using the main pattern and two central motifs at the base of the neck 2 pcs. and for the back of the head 2 pcs. according to the scheme:

For the top of the hood, knit one motif according to the pattern:

To align the hood, use the following motifs:

Continue assembling the back, front and shelves, using all the previously indicated motifs, focusing on the layout.
To level the bottom of the jacket and round the fronts, use the following motifs:

Assemble the sleeve using the main motif and the lining motif. Tie the edges of the sleeves, fronts, bottom and hood.
Sew on the buttons. The windbreaker is ready!

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Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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