Emerald blouse with filigree motifs
Blouse size: 50-52

You will need
400 g of yarn (50% wool, 50% acrylic, 800 m/50 g; 4-ply thread).
Hook No. 2.5.
Sirloin knitting: 1-й ряд — 3 возд. п. подъема, * 1 возд. п., 1 ст. с/н *; 2-й и все последующие ряды — 3 возд. п. подъема, * над возд. п. предыдущего ряда вязать 1 возд. п., над ст. с/н вязать 1 ст. с/н *.
Circular motif diameter: (diagram 2) = 13.5 cm.
Knitting density: 27 p. x 14 r. = 10 x 10 cm.
Description of work
Back bodice: perform a chain of 161 air. p. + 3 p. rise and knit 3 rows with “loin stitch” and 1 row of st. s/n. Continue with the pattern according to scheme 1 (= 20 repeats + 1 stitch for symmetry).

At a height of 6 cm from the beginning, leave 1 repeat on both sides for the armholes and then in each row 1/2 repeat 3 times (= 15 repeats + 1 stitch for symmetry). At a height of 27.5 cm from the beginning, leave 7.5 repeats in the center and then knit both sides separately, knit 2 rows each and finish the work.
Front bodice: similar to the back, but make the neckline at a height of 22 cm from the beginning. Finish the work at a height of 29 cm from the beginning.
Sleeve: perform a chain of 113 air. p. + 3 p. rise and knit 3 rows with “loin stitch” and 1 row of st. s/n. Continue with the pattern according to scheme 1 (= 14 repeats + 1 stitch for symmetry). At a height of 6 cm from the beginning for the edging, leave 1 rapport on both sides and then in each row 8 times for 2 sts, 16 times for 1 st and 2 times for 3 sts. At a height of 25 cm from the beginning, finish the work.
Bottom part: sew the side seams of the bodice. According to pattern 2, knit circular motifs (= 27 motifs) and in the last row, using a hook, connect them to each other and to the bottom of the bodice (9 motifs in 3 rows). Fill the gaps with a circular element according to scheme 3.

Assembly: sew the shoulder seams of the bodice, the seams of the sleeves, and sew them into the armholes. Tie the edge of the neckline with st. b/n.
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My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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