Red fillet suit
Филейный костюм по мотивам моделей из альбома «Вязание»

Автор модели Лилия Вигнан. Опубликовано на сайте www.liliavignan.com
Interesting models can be made using an openwork circle with a dense sector. For the openwork part of the circle, you can take a drawing of any round napkin.
The dense part of the circle (sector) occupies approximately 1/6 of the circle and is knitted like this: 1 chain stitch plus 1 double crochet in the space between the stitches of the bottom row.
The edges of the dense sector are separated from the openwork part by sector lines (radii). The pattern of the dense part of the circle forms cells arranged in a checkerboard pattern. In this case, the increase and decrease in the number of cells occurs involuntarily, i.e. if, when knitting a dense part of a circle, you knit stitches under all the spaces of the bottom row, including the spaces between the grid and the sector lines, then the dense sector will increase by 1 cell, and if you knit stitches with yarn over, bypassing the gaps between the pattern and the sector lines (the first and last gap), then the row will decrease by 1 cell.
Чтобы при вязании полотна ширина плотной части между линиями секторов оставалась неизменной, следует один ряд вязать под все промежутки нижнего ряда (с расширением), а другой ряд — минуя крайние промежутки (с уменьшением)…

Move from row to row in a circle along one of the sector lines (radius), as indicated in the circle diagram. In order for a chain of chain stitches to the height of a row to look like a double crochet crocheted under a chain, after the fastening half-column, you need to knit a single crochet under the chain of the lower pattern, and then 2 chain loops to the height of the row.
When connecting circles into a product, the pattern of sector lines continues along the product and all increases and decreases are made around these lines.
The stretched and steamed circle must be flat, that is, the middle should not be dome-shaped, and the edges should not be folded.
The diameter of the circle depends on the location of application and the style of the product.
The circle is knitted in one direction only. All straight sections in the product are made with thread separation.
The proposed products use a circle pattern with minor modifications.

Description of models
из журнала «Вязание», 1985 г., автор Усс Л.С.
Size 46-48.

Yarn No. 32/2 in 6-8 plies.
Hook No. 4.
Yarn consumption 400 g.

Knit 2 circles with a diameter of 44 cm for the front and back and 2 circles with a diameter of 40 cm for the sleeves. Fold the circles into 2, sweep and steam in a stretched form. When stretching, give them the shape of an irregular polygon, as shown in the drawing. Place the circles on the table so that they touch the sector lines. Fasten the circles at points outside the sectors. Knit a row in a circle, combining the lines of adjacent sectors into one line.

Knit the upper part of the sweater (12 cm) with a mesh in a circle with decreases (like raglan), decreasing 1 square in each sector in a row (4 squares per 1 row of knitting).
Knit a sprout of 4-6 rows with a thread torn off; At the same time, do not violate the knitting direction and reduce the length of the row each time.
Tie the neckline with 2-3 rows of single crochets. When knitting the last row, perform a picot every 3 stitches.
Steam the finished fabric.
Sew sections of the circles that are continuations of the raglan lines.
Sew the jacket along the side lines to the waist (10 cm) and straight sections of the sleeves.
For the bottom of the sweater, knit 2 openwork sectors and sew them to the sides of the circles.

Size 44 46.
Yarn No. 32/2 in 4 folds.
Hook No. 2.5.
Yarn consumption 300 g.

Tie 2 circles with a diameter of 42 cm. Stretch them, giving them a shape corresponding to the drawing. Steam.
Fasten on straight side sections.
Tie 2 triangles with a net 9 cm high and a base 10-12 cm.
Sew triangles between the circles to continue the side line.
Участок АБВГ чертежа — вырез проймы на лифе.
Knit the sleeve with a tight sector pattern in the round from bottom to top.
Increases and transitions from row to row are made along the seam of the sleeve.
To prevent the seam on the sleeve from moving, proceed from row to row as follows: in each even row, after finishing the row, fasten the end of the row with its beginning with a half-stitch, tie a single crochet under a chain loop between the 1st and last stitches of the bottom row, and then 3 air loops to the height of the new row.
In each odd row, after fastening the beginning and end of the row, tie a single crochet between the 1st and 2nd stitches of the bottom row, and then 3 chain loops to the height of the row.
Knit part of the sleeve head with a thread break, repeating the shape of the bodice armhole cutout. From points B1 and B1, decrease 1 pattern in each row.
Knit the second sleeve. Steam the sleeves.
Sew the armhole sections of the bodice and sleeves. Next, knit the top of the sweater in a circle using the raglan principle (see 4-circle sweater). Apply the excess neck width when tying.
For the collar, tie the neckline with 2-3 rows of single crochets and knit 5-6 rows with a mesh.
Tie the edge of the collar with a napkin pattern (from the 6th to the 9th row).
Tie the edge of the collar, the edges of the sleeves and the bottom of the jacket with lurex thread as follows: 3 double crochets, picot, etc.

Size 44 46.
Yarn No. 32/2 in 4 folds.
Hook No. 2.5.
Yarn consumption 300 g.
Tie 2 circles with a diameter of 42 cm. Stretch them, giving them a shape corresponding to the drawing. Steam.
Fasten on straight side sections.
Tie 2 triangles with a net 9 cm high and a base 10-12 cm.
Вшейте треугольники между кругами для продолжения линии бока. Участок АБВГ чертежа — вырез проймы на лифе.
Knit the sleeve with a tight sector pattern in the round from bottom to top. Increases and transitions from row to row are made along the seam of the sleeve.
To prevent the seam on the sleeve from moving, proceed from row to row as follows: in each even row, after finishing the row, fasten the end of the row with its beginning with a half-stitch, tie a single crochet under a chain loop between the 1st and last stitches of the bottom row, and then 3 air loops to the height of the new row.
In each odd row, after fastening the beginning and end of the row, tie a single crochet between the 1st and 2nd stitches of the bottom row, and then 3 chain loops to the height of the row. Knit part of the sleeve head with a thread break, repeating the shape of the bodice armhole cutout.
From points B1 and B1, decrease 1 pattern in each row.
Knit the second sleeve. Steam the sleeves. Sew the armhole sections of the bodice and sleeves. Next, knit the top of the sweater in a circle using the raglan principle (see 4-circle sweater).
Apply the excess neck width when tying.
For the collar, tie the neckline with 2-3 rows of single crochets and knit 5-6 rows with a mesh.
Tie the edge of the collar with a napkin pattern (from the 6th to the 9th row).
Tie the edge of the collar, the edges of the sleeves and the bottom of the jacket with lurex thread as follows: 3 double crochets, picot, etc.

Размер 44 — 48.
Yarn 32/2 in 6-8 plies.
Hook No. 4.
Yarn consumption 500 g.

For the skirt, knit 5 circles with a diameter of 35 -40 cm.
Place 2 circles together, stretch them and steam.
Place the circles in a single line, face down.
Make 5 small circles or triangles. Sew them into the gaps between the dense sectors of adjacent circles.
Knit a row without breaking the knitting direction and continuing the lines of the sectors.
Above the inserted circles (triangles), knit 610 patterns, like a dense sector.
Knit 6-10 rows in a circle, continuing to expand the sectors from the circles and reducing the number of patterns above the inserted circles (triangles).
When the sector lines of 2 adjacent circles connect into one line, the skirt will be divided into 5 parts (wedges).
Calculate the decrease in the patterns in each wedge to a size of 1/5 of the waist circumference plus 5 cm for the looseness of the fit.
Decrease at regular intervals or over the last few rows of knitting, decreasing 1 pattern in each row.

For the belt, take 2 narrow elastic bands around the waist and connect each one in a circle. Tie the belt with single crochets, inserting the hook into the braid of the fabric and under the first elastic band.
Tie the 2nd row of the belt with single crochets without an elastic band.
Knit the 3rd row with the second elastic band.

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About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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