Новогоднее вдохновение: схемы снежинок крючком. Часть 9
Crochet, Description and diagrams

New Year's inspiration: crochet snowflake patterns. Part 9

Crocheted snowflakes. Part 8 is here***

Crocheted snowflakes. Part 10 is here***

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Crocheted snowflakes can immerse you in the atmosphere of celebration and magic and create a unique, fairy-tale design in your home.

And such snowflakes will be an excellent, original gift that your family and friends will appreciate.

Snowflakes are knitted easily and quickly, and the effect is simply amazing.

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The design and description of the snowflakes were developed by Gul Victoria.

Snowflake No. 1

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вязаные снежинки
вязаные снежинки

Snowflake No. 2

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вязаные снежинки
вязаные снежинки

Snowflake No. 3

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вязаные снежинки

Snowflake No. 4

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вязаные снежинки
вязаные снежинки
вязаные снежинки

Snowflake No. 5

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вязаные снежинки
вязаные снежинки
вязаные снежинки
вязаные снежинки
вязаные снежинки

Snowflake No. 6

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вязаные снежинки
вязаные снежинки

Snowflake No. 7

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вязаные снежинки

Snowflake No. 8

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вязаные снежинки
вязаные снежинки

Snowflake No. 9

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вязаные снежинки

Snowflake No. 10

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вязаные снежинки
вязаные снежинки

The use of knitted snowflakes can be very different depending on your imagination. For example, knit snowflakes from yarn of different thicknesses and different colors, and then:

  • can be starched and hung as Christmas tree decorations;
  • decorate your apartment or just the windows with them;
  • use when wrapping gifts;
  • knit as motifs for larger products;
  • give to friends and colleagues.

You can also decorate crocheted snowflakes with lurex, rhinestones, and beads. Or knit them from thick threads and decorate your holiday table with them. You can come up with many more options. The main thing is that knitting is enjoyable, then the results will be pleasing. And the craftswoman will be happy, and the family will be in a good mood.

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  1. Tatiana

    Thank you! Gorgeous snowflakes and excellent description! Thank you!!!!

  2. Tatiana

    Thanks for the ideas!! Your snowflake cookies are amazing))

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