Pullover “Winter patterns”
Model Elena Filipenko
Size: XS-M (oversize)

To you required: пряжа A-elita (50% шерсть, 50% акрил, 781 м/100 г) — 300 г серого цвета, 200 г белого и 100 г черного цвета, крючок №5.
Knit in 2 threads.


the part consists of three elements.
Start working with the insert (element A in the figure).
Dial 121 air. n. with black yarn and knit according to pattern 1.

Then, from the cast-on edge, knit the same pattern according to pattern 1, but in the opposite direction.

Next, knit element B.
Using gray yarn, cast on 15 counts. p. and knit individual triangular motifs (diagram 1, rows 7-13).
Sew them to element A, placing them in accordance with the diagram.
Next, knit according to pattern 2.

Repeat rows 1-8 2 times. (Rows of white are shown in gray. The white thread runs inside the gray single crochets.)
Complete element B by knitting 6 rows with gray yarn. with a double crochet, making decreases for the neckline in accordance with the pattern.
Knit element C by analogy with element B.
First make triangular motifs, then knit rows 1-8 according to pattern 2, then repeat rows 1-4.

knit symmetrically to the front, but with a shallower neckline.
Sew shoulder and side seams, leaving holes for armholes.
start knitting from element 2. Cast on 65 air. p. with black yarn, knit rows 1-6 according to pattern 1, first in one direction, then in the opposite direction.
Knit element 1 according to pattern 2, first rows 1-8, then repeat rows 1-4.
Item 3: Work 12 rows in st. s/n with gray yarn, increase every fourth row on both sides.
We connect all 3 elements together.

Assembly and finishing:
Sew the sleeves to the product.
Горловину обвяжите 3 рядами ст. б/н, рукава — 1 рядом ст. б/н [каждую 6-ю петлю убавляйте), низ изделия — 5-ю рядами ст. б/н (в 1-м и 2-м ряду выполните убавки через каждые 10 петель).
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Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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