A fascinating weave of relief patterns, decor of miniature flowers and shimmering beads, this loose-fitting pullover is worthy of admiration!
Model Alena Filipenko
Size: XS-M

You will need: пряжа Alize Lanagold Fine (51% акрил, 49% шерсть, 390 м/100 г) — цвет бежевый меланж (152), крючки №4 и №5, 2 пакетика японского бисера Toho Beads (цвет №0021) размер 3, бежевая нить, игла для бисера, игла гобеленовая.
Before: start knitting with elastic.
Dial 14 air. p. and knit 110 rows of st. b/n behind the back wall. On the wide side of the elastic, knit 1 row of st. s/n (in the diagrams it is indicated as the first, purl). Using markers, divide the work into 5 parts (23/20/24/20/23 p.).
Все узоры по схемам 1-3 вяжите одновременно. Выпуклые столбики в изнаночных рядах вяжутся за заднюю стенку Узор 3″ — это узор 3, только в зеркальном отображении.
Attention! The patterns tighten the fabric a little, so there is no need to specifically shorten the pattern piece.
Form the neckline according to the pattern.

Back: сначала свяжите резинку, как для детали переда = всего 104 ряда. От широкой части ст. с/н вяжите вверх полотно шириной 104 петли. Кол-во рядов — на 4 меньше, чем для детали переда. Вырез горловины сформируйте в соответствии с выкройкой.
Sleeves: knit an elastic band 14 stitches wide. b/n behind the back wall = only 50 rows. From the elastic upwards, knit the sleeve with patterns 1 and 2, making increases in every 3rd row on both sides.
Assembly: Sew shoulder and side seams. Using crochet number 4, tie the neckline with five rows of elastic (alternate treble s/n and treble s/n behind the front wall). Sew the sleeves and attach to the product.
Tie 14 decorative flowers according to pattern 4, distribute them on the front details and sleeves. Embroider the middle of the flowers and the front part with beads in a random but symmetrical shape.

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Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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