Свитер с круглой кокеткой — «Серебряный венок»
Crochet, Knitting ideas, Sweaters, pullovers, jumpers

Свитер с круглой кокеткой — «Серебряный венок»

вязаный пуловер

Вяжем крючком свитер с круглой кокеткой — «Серебряный венок».

Master Class

The master class is presented in 6 sizes:

S — M — L — XL — XXL — XXXL


The original uses DROPS SKY yarn from Garnstudio, color 02 pearl gray (Composition: 74% alpaca wool, 18% polyamide, 8% sheep wool. Thread length: 190 m. Weight: 50 g.) You can choose any other with an approximate yardage, for example , Vita Brilliant from Coco 380/100 g, etc.

To work you need 300-350-350-400-450 -500 g depending on your size.

вязаный пуловер

We select the hook according to your knitting density. But not too tight so that the sweater doesn’t stand up.

Knitting density:

Образец 10 на 10 см — 16 ст.с/н в ширину и 8 рядов в высоту

Hook size is only a guide. If there are too many loops at 10 cm, change the hook to a larger size. If you get too few loops per 10 cm, change the hook to a smaller size.

Knitting nuances:

Each row of treble crochet starts with 3 chain stitches (does not replace the first treble crochet) and ends with 1 chain stitch in the 3rd chain stitch at the beginning of the row.

Each row of double crochets starts with 1 double crochet (does not replace the first double crochet) and ends with 1 double crochet in the first double crochet.

Advice on increases/decreases:

  • Increase 1 treble crochet, knitting 2 treble crochets in the same stitch.
  • Start immediately after the marker and work 1 treble crochet, the next 2 treble crochets together as follows: * 1 yarn over, insert hook into next stitch, pick up yarn, 1 yarn over and pull through first 2 loops on hook *, knit from *-* 1 more time, 1 yarn over and pull it through all 3 loops on the hook (1 loop has decreased). Work until there are 3 stitches left in the row, work the next 2 treble crochets together as above and work 1 treble crochet into the last stitch.

Горловина и кокетка вяжутся по кругу сверху вниз и от середины спинки. Кокетка разделена на тело и рукава, которые вяжутся отдельно по кругу. Если вы уверены в пряже и знаете, что при вязании по кругу полотно не будет косить — то вяжем по кругу. Если не уверены, то вяжем поворотными рядами.


Collar (neck)

We knit 84-86-90-92-96-100 chain stitches. We close it in a ring. We knit 1 treble in each loop – we knit 12 cm this way. Don’t forget to insert a marker at the beginning of the row (middle of the back), the yoke is measured from this marker!

схема вязания крючком

Приступаем непосредственно к самой кокетке. Вяжем согласно схеме первый ряд — ст.с/н A.1 над всеми петлями.

In the 2nd row in A.1 we add 32-38-38-40-40-44 dc at equal intervals = total -116-124-128-132-136-144 sts.

Next we knit according to pattern A.2 over all loops.

В 3-м ряду в A.2 прибавляем 28-36-36-36-36-40 ст.с/н через равные промежутки = итог — 144-160-164-168-172-184 п.

В 4-м ряду в A.2 прибавляем 26-25-31-32-38-41 ст.с/н через равные промежутки = итог — 170-185-195-200-210-225 п.

Work A.3 over all stitches without increasing.

В 4-м ряду в A.3 прибавляем 25-25-35-35-40-40 ст.с/н через равные промежутки = итог — 195-210-230-235-250-265 п.

В 9-м ряду в A.3 прибавляем 16-17-16-29-31-34 ст.с/н через равные промежутки = итог — 211-227-246-264-281-299 п.

В последнем ряду в A.3 прибавляем 13-17-14-28-27-33 ст.с/н через равные промежутки = итог — 224-244-260-292-308-332 п.

Work 1 treble crochet into each stitch until the yoke is 21-23-24-26-27-29 cm from the marker.

вязаный пуловер

Now we separate the body and sleeves as follows:

knit 1 treble crochet in each of the first 34-38-40-44-48-52 sts (half back), skip 44-46-50-58-58-62 sts for the sleeve and knit 8-8-10 -10-12-12 chain stitches under the sleeve (undercut), knit 1 treble stitch in each of the next 68-76-80-88-96-104 stitches (front), skip 44-46-50- 58-58-62 loops for the sleeve and knit 8-8-10-10-12-12 chain stitches under the sleeve (undercut), knit 1 treble stitch in each of the last 34-38-40-44- 48-52 sts (half back).


= 152-168-180-196-216-232 sts. We continue to knit 1 treble s/n in each loop and in the first row in each air. Art. under the sleeve.

When the body is at a height of 20-20-21-21-22-22 cm from the division, knit all the loops according to pattern A.4. When A.4 is finished in height, continue to work 1 dc in each stitch until the body height is 5 cm from the first row in A.4.

Cut off and fasten the tail. Sweater measures approximately 50-52-54-56-58-60 cm from shoulder down.


We process the loops on one side of the part as follows:

We knit 1 single crochet in 4-4-5-5-6-6 chain stitches. under the sleeve, 3 chain stitches, knit 1 treble stitch in each of the next 3-3-4-4-5-5 chain stitches, 1 sc in each of the next 44-46-50-58 -58-62 skipped stitches, 1 sc in each of the last 4-4-5-5-6-6 chain stitches under the sleeve = 52-54-60-68-70-74 sts. Insert 1 marker in the middle of the 8-8-10-10-12-12 chain stitches under the sleeve. We start with a marker and knit 1 dc in each loop for 3 cm.

Next, make 2 stitch decreases under the sleeve.

Decrease in this way every 5-4-3-2-2-2 cm for a total of 6-6-8-12-12-13 times = 40-42-44-44-46-48 sts.

When the sleeve length is 35-33-33-31-31-29 cm from the division, knit all the loops according to pattern A.4. When A.4 is finished in height, continue to knit 1 treble crochet in each stitch until the sleeve height is 5 cm from the first row in A.4. Cut off and fasten the tail. We knit the second sleeve in the same way.

The sweater is ready!

вязаный пуловер

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