Size: 40/42

You will need: пряжа «Нежность» (47% хлопок, 53% вискоза, 400 м/100 г) — 700 г серо-розового цвета, 400 г светло-сиреневого цвета, крючок №2,5.
Pullover: перед и спинка вяжутся вместе, сначала нижняя часть — сверху вниз, затем верхняя часть — снизу вверх. Вяжите нитью в два сложения.
For the lower part, tie a chain of 210 air. p., close it in a circle, knit 7 cm according to scheme 1.

Then knit the pattern according to scheme 2 seven repeats, knitting the pattern to the end of the pattern.

Knit the top of the pullover along the top edge according to scheme 3 — 11 см.

Then we make armholes, knit the front and back separately.
Back: for armholes, decrease 5 cm on both sides in three steps. Knit according to pattern 3.
50 cm from the very bottom edge of the back for the neckline, close off the middle 42 stitches, finishing the shoulders separately.
After 17 cm from the beginning of the armhole, complete the work.
Before: the left and right parts are knitted separately, because The height of the neckline and armholes are the same.
To do this, do not knit 11 stitches from the neckline, but make an armhole as on the back.
Then decrease for the neckline on each row of 10 x 1 sts. Then knit straight.
After 17 cm from the beginning of the armhole, complete the work.
Sleeves: свяжите цепочку из 90 возд. п. вяжите по схеме 1 — 18 см, выполните 3 раппорта по схеме 2 — это нижняя часть рукава.
Продолжите вязание по верхнему краю по схеме 3 — 11 см.
Make a decrease for the armhole, like on the back of a pullover. Finish the work at a height of 58 cm from the cast-on edge.
For a better fit of the sleeves, make even decreases along the edges in the last few rows.
Assembly: complete all seams.
Tie the neckline with light lilac thread in 2 rows of st. b/n and 1 nearby -*st. s/n, 1 air. P.
Link the item by scheme 4, in the last row, attach it to the neck.

Tie two chains of air. p., pull them into the sleeves at the junction of the patterns. Tie any fancy flower and sew it to a pullover.

Skirt: start from the bottom.
Using gray-pink yarn, cast on a chain of 210 chains. p., close it in a ring, knit 7 repeats according to pattern 2.
По верхнему краю начните работу пряжей светло-сиреневого цвета ст. с/н — 19 см.
Then, for side bevels on both sides, decrease 8 × 1 stitches in every 2nd row.
For the waistband, fold in approximately 1.5 cm, hem, and insert an elastic band.
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Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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