The master class was conducted by Elena Zakharkina.
For this model, I advise you to choose sectionally dyed yarn with contrasting color sections. This will highlight the pattern that is formed when making shortened rows.
Try to knit full rows with one color of yarn, shortened sections with another. If the section of yarn does not correspond to the desired one, then unwind part of the thread to the required section and continue knitting.
Size: XS-S

You will need: пряжа Novita Puro Batic (100% акрил, 200 м/100 г) — 200 г секционно окрашенной, крючок №3,5.
Tape inlaid edge
Рис 1 —
Work the ribbon cast-on edge using single crochet stitches with a base loop.
1-й ряд — наберите цепочку из 4 возд. п., сделайте накид на крючок, введите крючок в 1-ю возд, п., вытяните 1 петлю и провяжите ее как воздушную. На крючке 3 петли. Теперь вяжите обычный столбик с одним накидом. Первый столбик провязан.
Рис 2 —
Second stitch: Yarn over, insert hook into both links of the bottom loop, pull a loop through and work through, then double crochet.
Рис. 3 —
Continue knitting all subsequent stitches in the same way as the 2nd stitch until the desired length of the strip.

Рис. 4 —
tie the ribbon onto the cast-on edge with a base loop of 68 stitches. This will be the first row of the diagram.
Next, knit, following the pattern.

Starting from the 4th row, knit shortened rows. Work 40 double crochets, the next 2 double crochets and 1 double crochet with a common top.

Рис. 5 —
Unfold the fabric and knit the 5th row of the pattern: 3 air. p. rise, knit together a double crochet stitch and 2 single crochet stitches with a common top.
Next, work double crochets into each stitch of the previous row until the end of the row.
Рис.6 —
Continue knitting according to the pattern - a total of 6 shortened rows.
10-13-й ряды — вяжите полностью (= 68 ст. с/н).
После этого снова вяжите укороченными рядами, но расположите их симметрично первым — в другой части ряда.
After completing 21 rows of the pattern, the canvas is leveled.
Knit 3 repeats of the pattern in height (63 rows).
Next, repeat the 1st and 2nd rows, then knit only the shoulder loops (= 17 treble stitches from one edge of the row and from the other).
Use a loop-to-loop seam to connect the front and back along the shoulders.
Tie the neckline with single crochets.
Sew the side seams, leaving 18 cm down from the edge of the shoulder for the armhole.
Tie the armholes this way:
1-й ряд — столбики с одним накидом,
2-й ряд — ажурный узор (2-й ряд схемы),
3-й ряд — столбики без накида.
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About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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