Теплый вязаный кардиган — вещь незаменимая в зимнем женском гардеробе.
An elongated silhouette and a winning shade of gray will make your figure visually even slimmer.
Dimensions: 36/38 (40/42) 44/46

You will need:
700 (750) 800 g black melange (col. 9) yarn 365 Garzato (46% cotton, 22% polyamide, 15% wool, 17% alpaca, 115 m/50 g) Lana Grossa;
hook No. 4, No. 4.5 and No. 5.
MAIN pattern:
the number of loops is a multiple of 6. Knit according to the pattern.

Start with 3 air. sts of lifting and 2 sts before the right arrow, repeat 6 sts of rapport, finish 4 sts after the left arrow.
Выполнить 1 раз 1-й — 3-й р., повторять 2-й и 3-й р.
If the icons are connected at the bottom, then the loops are knitted in 1 stitch of the base.
Knitting density, 20.5 p. and 8 p. = 10 x 10 cm (main pattern, hook No. 4).
Using crochet number 4, make a chain of 96 (108) 120 air. p. + 1 air. p. lifting, knit 3 p. Art. b/n and knit with the main pattern.
After 75 (73) 71 cm from the initial river. Leave 1 x 6 stitches on both sides for armholes (1 repeat).
After 93.5 cm from the initial river. finish the work.

Using hook No. 4, make a chain of 48 (54) 60 air. p. + 1 air. p. rise and knit 3 r. Art. b/n.
Then knit with the main pattern.
After 75 (73) 71 cm from the initial river. for the armhole, leave 1 x 6 stitches on the right side (1 repeat).
After 93.5 cm from the initial river. finish the work.
Knit the RIGHT SHELF symmetrically.
Using crochet number 4, make a chain of 54 (60) 66 air. p. + 1 air. p. lifting, knit 3 p. Art. b/n and knit with the main pattern.
Через 13 см вязать далее для скосов крючком № 4,5, через 24 см — крючком № 5, в результате чего рукав расширится.
After 54 cm from the initial river. finish the work.
sew shoulder seams.
Using crochet hook No. 4, tie the edges of the shelves and the neckline 3 times. Art. b/n, while knitting 3 tbsp in the corners of the shelves. b/n.
Sew in the sleeves, stretching them.
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About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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