Бело-голубой меланжевый пуловер.
Crochet, Knitting ideas, Sweaters, pullovers, jumpers

White and blue melange pullover.

вязаный пуловер

White and blue melange pullover.

Dimensions: 38/40 (42/44) 46/48


You will need:
• 500 (550) 600 g blue and white yarn (43% viscose, 24% cotton, 29% polyacrylic, 2% polyamide, 2% polyester, 85 m/50 g)
• hook number 5

Attention!Спинка вяжется поперёк, перед — в разных направлениях. Стрелки на выкройке — направление вязания.

Main pattern: ст с/н, при этом в лиц. р. крючок вводить за заднюю стенку петли, в изн. р. — за переднюю. Каждый ряд начинать с 3 возд. п. подъёма вместо 1-го ст. с/н.

Mesh Pattern:
the number of loops is a multiple of 4 +1 + 1 air. lifting point. Knit according to the pattern. Start with loops before rapport, repeat repeat, end with loops after repeat. Perform 1 time from the 1st to the 3rd rows, then repeat the 2nd and 3rd rows.

схема вязания крючком

Knitting density.
Main pattern: 12 p. and 7 r. = 10 x 10 cm; mesh pattern: 12 p. and 8 r. = 10 x 10 cm.

tie a chain of 61 (61) 65 air. p. + 3 air. p. rise and knit with the main pattern. After 6 (8) 8 cm from the cast-on edge, knit 2 rows. with a mesh pattern, then knit with the main pattern. After 25 (27) 29 cm from the cast-on edge the middle of the back will be reached, knit the second half symmetrically.

Before: for the central part, tie a chain of 29 air. p. + 1 air. p. rise and knit with a mesh pattern. Finish the work 46 cm from the cast edge. Then knit along the long sides of the central part with the main pattern, while additionally knitting on both sides along a chain of air. p. length 5 (5) 8 cm. After 4.5 (4.5) 6.5 cm from the central part, knit 2 r. with a mesh pattern, then knit with the main pattern. After 13 (15) 17 cm from the central part, finish the work.

Sleeves: perform shoulder seams; then knit on middle 42 (44) 46 cm (= 21 (22) 23 cm on both sides of the shoulder seams) with the main pattern. After 6 cm from the beginning of the sleeve, leave for bevels of the sleeves on both sides in each row 7 x 1 p. After 20 cm from the beginning of the sleeve, knit with a mesh pattern, while for a flared shape, skip in the 1st r. in each rapport there are not 3 sts, but 2 sts. Finish the work 31 cm from the beginning of the sleeve.

Assembly: sew side seams and sleeve seams. Tie the bottom edge 3 p. mesh pattern, with each circular row ending with 1 connection. Art. in air lifting point.

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