Туника «Желтые розы»
Crochet, Knitting ideas, Knitting ideas, Dresses, tunics, suits, Loin Knitting

Туника «Желтые розы»

вязаная туника

How beautiful, how fresh the roses were! When you look at this delightful tunic, you want to speak exclusively in poetry.

Model Valentina Dyachenko

 Size: 50(XXXL)


You will need: пряжа «Ромашка» (100% мерсеризованный хлопок, 320 м/100 г) — 600 г желтого цвета, крючок №1,2.

 Main pattern: филейная сетка — *1 ст. с/н, 2 возд. п.*.

вязаная туника

 Back: dial the initial chain of 177 VOZD. P. + 3 air. lifting point.

 Knit the pattern according to pattern 1, which consists of 59 fillet cells.

филейное вязание

Knit the neckline according to diagram 2.

филейное вязание
филейное вязание

Before: knit similarly, but with a deeper neckline (see diagram 3).

филейное вязание

Sew shoulder seams.

Tie on the front and back pieces on both sides by 3 centimeters (=6 fillet squares).

 Knit, starting from the hem of the front piece and to the end of the back, in turning rows with a fillet net.

 Then measure 23 cm from the top of the shoulder seam for the armhole and start knitting the side corner.

 Tie the thread to the bottom of the part and knit with a fillet mesh until there are 2 fillet squares left before the mark indicating the beginning of the armhole.

 Далее вяжите вместе 2 ст. с/н со стороны спинки, ст. с/н — центр проймы, 2 ст. с/н со стороны переда, то есть провяжите вместе бст. с/н.

 Work a row to the bottom edge of the front. Knit similarly in turning rows until 20 fillet squares remain to the bottom edge of the tunic.

Cut the thread.

You will get an unknitted corner, forming a side cut.

 On the other side, form a mirror image corner.

вязаная туника

 Sleeves: attach the thread to the bottom of the armhole and the beginning of the corner.

 Knit with fillet net in the round to the required length.

 Tie the hem and sleeves with 1 stitch next to each other. s/n and border according to scheme 4.

схема вязания крючком

 Tie the neckline with 2 rows of st. s/n and border according to scheme 5.

схема вязания крючком

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