Crochet top - Irish motifs
Top sizes: 34/36 (38/40)

You will need: 350 г пряжи типа «Java» от Online бирюзовго цвета номер 61 (67% хлопок, 33 % вискоза, 158 м/50 г). Крючок №2,5.
Main pattern: The number of cast-on loops is a multiple of 3 + 2 + 3 air. lifting point.
Knit according to pattern A.
Start each row with 3 air. p. rise instead of 1 tbsp. s/n.
Start with loops before rapport, repeat repeat loops and end with loops after repeat.
Knit from the 1st to the 3rd r., then constantly repeat the 2nd and 3rd r.
From 2nd r. on air p. of the previous row, perform art. s/n.

Flower 1 (9 pcs.): Knit a chain of 5 chains. p. and close 1 connection into a ring. Art.
Knit in the round according to pattern 1.
Start each row with cast-on air. p. as shown instead of the 1st loop and finish 1 connection. Art. in the last air p. set.
Perform 1 x from the 1st to the 3rd circle. R.

Flower 2 (9 pcs.): Knit a chain of 10 air. p. and close 1 connection into a ring. Art.
Knit like flower 1, only according to pattern 2.
If necessary, start a circle. row of connections Art.
Perform from the 1st to the 5th circle. r., while performing art. b/n 4th circle. R. in Art. b/n 2nd circle. r., see legend.
Flower 3 (3 pcs.): Knit a chain of 8 air. p. and close 1 connection into a ring. Art.
Knit like flower 2, only according to pattern 3.
Deeper clear art. b/n perform as in the description for flower 2.
Perform 1 x from the 1st to the 10th circle. R.

Flower 4 (1 pc.)
Knit like flower 1, only according to pattern 4.

Flower 5 (4 pcs.): Knit a chain of 8 air. p. and close 1 connection into a ring. Art.
Continue according to pattern 5, while for each petal tie a chain of 10 chain stitches. p., 1 connection Art. in the 8th air. p. from the hook, turn and air. n. as shown, knit 22 tbsp. b/n; 1 tbsp. b/n in the ring.
From the 2nd petal, connect the individual petals with 1 connection. Art.
The last petal is also connected to the first.

Flower (5 pcs.): tie a chain of 20 air. p. + 1 air. lifting point and, according to pattern 6, continue knitting in a circle, while constantly inserting the hook into the loop link from purl. sides of the leaf.
On both sides, cast on stitches from rows 1 to 13, respectively, while following a thin line.
Start the 2nd half from A.

Ring (42 pcs.): Knit a chain of 10 air. p. and close 1 connection into a ring. Art.
Close 1 set of air. p. and 30 tbsp. b/n in the ring.
Circle. R. close 1 connection Art. in the 1st air. p. set.
Knitting density:
in the main pattern: 28.5 p. and 12.5 rub. = 10 x 10 cm;
Motif diameter:
flower 1: diameter 8 cm;
flower 2 and 5: diameter 7 cm;
flower 3: diameter 11 cm;
flower 4: diameter 14 cm;
ring: diameter 2.5 cm;
leaf: 9 x 8 cm.
Make the pattern in full size and control the reduction and placement of the motifs by applying work to the pattern.
Back: Knit a chain of 125 (149) air. p. + 3 air. p. rise and knit with the main pattern.
For the sleeve armhole, 31 cm from the cast-on edge on both sides, leave 8 (14) stitches unknitted and for rounding in each stitch. leave 3 stitches undone.
After 40 cm from the cast-on edge, finish the work on the remaining 85 (97) loops.

Before: Arrange the motifs according to the pattern and connect at the points of contact.
Assembling the top parts: Sew side seams at points of contact.
Attention: Move the side seam of size 2 on both sides forward 2 cm.
Tie the edge of the neckline with 1 p. Art. b/n, leaving the outer 2.5 cm free on both sides of the back (= base of the strap)
Work front and back with 1 intermediate set of approx. 62 air p. (try on)
Knit another 2 round over the edge of the neckline and intermediate sets. R. Art. b/n.
Tie the edge of the sleeve armhole in the same way and knit with intermediate sets
For the straps, make 10 rings, tying them together. Art. and sew between the straps.
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Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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