Two different types of yarn: cotton and the finest kid mohair are knitted together. The slightly flared shape of this dress is achieved by alternating different patterns and needle thicknesses.
Dress sizes: 34/36 and 40/42.

Materials: yarn Karen Noe “Mercerisiert bomuld 8/2″ (100% mercerized cotton, 335 m/50 g) – 150 (200) g purple color No. 376, yarn “Super Kid Mohair” (80% super kid mohair, 20% polyamide, 245 m/25 g) -100 (125) g purple color No. 59; circle, knitting needles No. 8 100 cm long, No. 7 80 cm long, No. 6 long 80 cm, 60 cm and 40 cm, hook No. 3,5 and 5.
Attention: the dress is knitted with double thread: 1 strand each of super kid mohair and cotton yarn! The dress is knitted to the armholes in one piece in the round, ending in rows. The side bevel shown in the pattern is created by using knitting needles of different thicknesses; further reduction is created by decreasing.
Openwork pattern: knit according to the pattern in the round. Constantly repeat the rapport between the arrows for 23 sts. Constantly repeat rows 1-12.

Rib pattern: * k1, p2, k2, p3, k2, p2, k1, from * repeat constantly.
Knitting density: openwork pattern: 23 p. and 12 p. knitting needles No. 8 = 16 x 10 cm; 23 p. and 12 r. knitting needles No. 7 = 14 x 8 cm, 23 sts and 12 r. knitting needles No. 6 = 11 x 7 cm;
16 sts and 20 circles. R. knitting needles No. 6 = 10 x 10 cm.
Back and front: on knitting needles No. 8, cast on 184 (230) sts and knit in the round with an openwork pattern = 92 (115) sts for front, 92 (115) sts for back, mark the beginning of the circle. R. =left side seam.
After 30 cm = 36 r. From the cast-on edge, switch to needles No. 7 and knit further with an openwork pattern 24 cm = 36 r.
Then at a height of 54 cm = 72 r. From the cast-on edge, switch to needles No. 6, 80 cm long, and knit 21 cm = 36 r. openwork pattern.
After 75 cm = 108 r. From the cast-on edge, switch to needles No. 6, 60 cm long, and knit 1 r. persons p., while performing the following decreases. way: *knit faces together. 5x 2 sts, k3, knit together. 5x 2 p., from * repeat 7(9)x = 104 (130) p. = 52 (65) p. front and back.
Next, knit with a ribbed pattern 4 cm = 8 r. then knit faces. stitch, while on the front in the 1st r. make increments next. way: knit 16 (20) sts, add 8 sts: *2 sts = 1 knit, 1 knit. cross. from the broach, from the trace. p. knit 1 knit., 1 knit. cross. from the broach, from * repeat 1x, knit 2 stitches from the broach; K16 (21), add 8 sts as described above, k16 (20), knit. on the remaining 52 (65) stitches of the back. Next, knit on all stitches. satin stitch = 68 (81) front stitches, 52 (65) back stitches.
After 12 cm = 24 r. persons stitch close for the armhole at the beginning of the circle. R. 3 sts, knit 65 (78) sts, turn the fabric and finish the upper part of the front first, set aside 52 (65) sts of the back. Next purl R. close the first 3 p. and then close on both edges in every 2nd r. 1x 3 p., 1x 2 (2x 2) p. and lx 1 p. and at the same time as the beginning of the armholes, close the middle 8 (11) p. for the neck and finish the left side first.
To round the neckline, close the inner edge of the neckline in every 2nd r. 1x 4 p., 1x 3 p., 2x 2 p. and 2x 1 p. After 20 cm = 40 (42) r. From the beginning of the armhole, close off the remaining 8 (11) shoulder stitches.
Finish the second side symmetrically.
Transfer the postponed 52 (65) sts of the back onto the knitting needles and make armholes as on the back = 34 (43) sts. After 12 (13) cm = 24 (26) r. from the beginning of the armhole, close the middle 18 (21) stitches for the neckline and finish the left side first. Next, knit straight and at a height of 8 cm = 16 r. From the beginning of the neck, close off the remaining 8 (11) shoulder stitches. Finish the second side symmetrically.

Sleeves: on needles No. 6, 40 cm long, cast on 56 (60) sts and knit in the round. way: 5 (7) p. persons. satin stitch, 46 p. openwork pattern, 5 (7) p. knit. satin stitch
Mark the beginning of the circular row. After 7 cm = 12 p. From the cast-on edge, knit further on all stitches in rows of faces. satin stitch, divide the work at the beginning of the circle. R.
For the okat, close off 5 stitches on both sides, then close off in every 2nd row. 4 (5) x 1 p., in every 4th r. 4x 1 p.. in every 2nd p. 1x 1 p., 1x 2 p., 1x 3 p., 1x 4 p. At the height of the edge 17 (18) cm = 34 (36) r. bind off the remaining 10 (12) sts.
Assembly: perform shoulder seams, connecting them with a kettel stitch.
Tie the edges of the neckline with crochet No. 3.5 st.b.n., 1st r. double thread, 1 thread of each yarn, then turn the fabric and knit the 2nd row. double thread of cotton, 1 st.b.n. in each paragraph before. R.
Tie the bottom edge of the dress in a circle 2 p. and 1 rub. senior biological sciences track. way: 1st r. senior biological sciences hook No. 5, double thread, 1 thread of each yarn, insert the hook into each stitch of the cast-on edge, 2nd circle. R. and 3rd r. crochet No. 3.5 with a double thread of cotton, while in each st.b.n. prev R. knit 2 dc, except for the first and last 3 sts of rapport = internal arc, above these 6 sts knit 1 st. in every paragraph
Tie the edges of the sleeves like the bottom of the dress. Sew in the sleeves.
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My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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