Openwork pullover with leaf pattern
Dimensions: 36/38 (40/42) 44/46

You will need: 500 (550) 600 g khaki yarn Alpha (100% cotton. 104 m/50 g): straight and circular needles No. 3.5.
Patterns for knitting an openwork pullover
Leaf Pattern: the number of loops is a multiple of 25 + 3 (13) 23 + 2 chrome. Knit according to pattern 1, which shows only persons. r., in yen. R. Knit all the loops according to the pattern or as indicated, yarn overs - sc. Start with 1 chrome. and loops from arrow A (B) C, repeat rapport 4 times, ending with loops to arrow O (E) P and 1 edge. Repeat 3 times from 1st to 32nd r.

Facial surface: persons R. - persons p., out. R. - purl P.
Sleeve Pattern: the number of loops is a multiple of 5 + 3 + 2 chrome. Knit like a leaf pattern, but only over the last 8 stitches of Chart 1. Start with 1 edge. and loops from arrow B, repeat rapport (loops between arrows E and P). finish 1 chrome. Repeat from 1st to 4th row.
Pattern for the strap: the number of loops is a multiple of 5 + 2. Knit a circle. R. according to diagram 2. which shows all the circles. R. Repeat the rapport, ending with loops after the rapport. Repeat 1 time from the 1st to the 4th circle. R. Knitting density.

Pattern of leaves and faces. smooth surface: 23 p. and 33 r. = 10 x 10 cm; pattern for sleeves: 22 p. and 33 r. = 10 x 10 cm.
Back/front: Cast on 105(115) 125 sts using a cross cast and knit with a leaf pattern. In 96 r. From the cast-on edge, start knitting all the knit stitches. satin stitch, but in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd repeat continue to knit 3 stitches according to the pattern, indicated in the diagram by the letters 12. The result is 3 vertical stripes of holes that break up the area of faces. iron.
After 43.5 cm = 144 rubles. from the cast-on edge, close 5 g for raglan bevels on both sides and then reduce in every 2 r. 23 (28) 33 x 1 p. as follows: at the beginning of the row of crowns, knit 1. and 1 broach, at the end of the row knit 2 sts together... knit 1, chrome.
After 58 cm = 192 r. (61 CM = 202 RUB) 64 cm = 212 RUB Pull from the set edge through the edge. next or previous stitch and set aside the remaining 47 g for cutting the neckline.
Sleeves: Cast on 55 (65) 75 sts using a cross cast on and knit in a pattern for the sleeves.
After 46 cm = 152 r. (43 CM = 142 RUB) 40 cm = 132 RUB from the cast-on edge, close 5 sts for raglan bevels on both sides and then decrease in every 4th p. 4 x and alternately in every 2nd and 4th r. 10 x (alternately in every 2nd and 4th row 18 x and in the 2nd row 1 x) alternately in every 2nd and 4th row. 13 x and e every 2nd r. 6 x 1 p. as described for the back.
After 60.5 cm = 200 rub. set aside the remaining 17 stitches from the cast-on edge.
Assembly: perform raglan seams: transfer the set aside 128 stitches of all parts to the circle of knitting needles and knit the 4th circle for the strap. R. with a pattern for the placket, while starting and ending 2 purls on top of each piece... so that the capes of the pattern for the placket continue the stripes from the holes in the sleeves and the middle stripes from the holes in the front and back; Raglan seams are purl 4. At the height of the pattern for the strap 1 cm = 4 circles. R. Close off all stitches. Sew side seams and sleeve seams.
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My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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