Изящный узор вверху, вырез-лодочка, нежнейшая ангора — представляем модель, от которой вы не сможете отказаться!

Knitting needles No. 3 and 3.5; knitting markers.
24 p. x 31 r. = 10 x 10 cm, knitted with stockinette stitch or fancy pattern on needles No. 3.5.
Knit 2 stitches together with a tilt to the left
Slip off 1 p., like a knit stitch, knit 1, pull it through the removed p.
Facial surface
Knit alternately 2 knits... 2 purl.
Fantasy pattern
Knit according to the pattern.

Alternate green and pink motifs, gradually include 3 stitches on both sides in each next 2nd row.
Repeat rows of selected pattern fragments.
Attention: Make sure that the number of yarn overs and decreased loops is the same.

On needles No. 3, cast on 114 (126:138:150: 162) sts and knit for the bottom bar 3.5 cm with an elastic band, at the same time at the beginning and end of the 1st row. knit 2 faces.
Switch to knitting needles No. 3.5 and continue knitting in stockinette stitch, evenly adding 1-st. = 116 (128:140:152:164) p.
After 23 cm from the initial row, continue knitting with stockinette stitch and a fantasy pattern (see diagram), distributing the loops so that the middle of the pattern and the middle of the work coincide.
At 34 cm from the starting row, attach markers to the first and last stitches of the row to mark the beginning of the armholes.
Через 53 (54:55:56:57) см от начального ряда закрыть для плечевых скосов с обеих сторон 1 х5 (6:8:9:10) п., затем в каждом спедующем 2-м р.: 1 x5(——) ., 2х6(——) п., 3x-(7:8:9:10) п.
Bind off the remaining 72 (74:76:80:84) stitches, marking the middle 60 (60:60:62:62) stitches for the neckline with a marker.
Knit front like back.
Using knitting needles No. 3 for each sleeve, cast on 50 (54:58:66:70) stitches and knit 4 cm with an elastic band, while at the beginning and end of the 1st row, knit 2 knits.
Switch to needles No. 3.5 and continue knitting in stockinette stitch, evenly
adding in 1-mr. 40 (42:42:40:40) p. = 90 (96:100:106:110) p.
After 39 (36.5:34.5:32.5:30) cm from the initial row, continue knitting with stockinette stitch and a fantasy pattern (see diagram), distributing the loops so that the middle of the pattern and the middle of the work coincide (see diagram , if the loops along the edges of the work cannot be knitted according to the pattern, they should be knitted with purl stitch).
After 49 (47.5:46:44.5:43) cm from the beginning row, loosely bind off the loops.
Sew shoulder seams up to the markers marking the beginning of the neckline.
Sew the sleeves into the armholes between the markers.
Sew side seams and sleeve seams.
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About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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Маковое поле перед деревенским домиком на закате… Мечты об отпуске, воплощенные в джемпере свободного силуэта.
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