Women's knitted pullover made in office style with a brioche pattern
Description of the pullover from designer Anna Strandberg
The chest circumference of the finished product is 92 (103.5, 113, 124.5, 136.5) cm with an allowance of 15-20 cm for a loose fit.

Necessary materials:
Yarn Dandelion Yarns Rosy Sport (100% wool; 320 m / 100 grams per skein) – 2 (2, 3, 3, 3) skeins of light color (thread A) and 2 (2, 3, 3, 3) skeins of dark color ( thread B).
Required tools:
Circular needles No. 3.5 and No. 3, length 80-100 cm and No. 3, stitch markers, stitch holders.
Knitting density:
22 loops and 50 rows = 10 cm of garter stitch, made with needles No. 3.5, after steaming;
17 stitches and 58 rows = 10 cm in brioche stitch, made with 3.5 needles, after steaming.
The pullover is knitted from top to bottom in circular rows.
Circular rows are performed alternately: one row with thread A, the second row with thread B. The thread used in this row is indicated in brackets.
There is no need to cross the threads at the beginning of each row. When performing the last loop of the circular row with thread B, make sure that the yarn over of the last slipped loop with the yarn over of the previous row with thread A remains on the knitting needle.
Techniques used:
Knitted brioche stitch: knit the slipped stitch together with its yarn over;
Purl brioche loop: purl the slipped loop together with its yarn over;
Adding 2 loops: knit a brioche loop, but do not remove it from the knitting needle, 1 yarn over, knit a brioche loop into the same loop, remove the loop from the knitting needle - 2 loops are added;
Adding 1 loop with a slant to the right: lift the bend of thread B onto the knitting needle directly under the just knitted loop on the right knitting needle and knit it - 1 loop is added;
Adding 1 loop with a slant to the left: lift the bend of thread B onto the knitting needle directly below the next loop on the left knitting needle and knit it - 1 loop is added;
Slip 1 double crochet stitch: thread in front of the loop, slip 1 stitch as a purl, yarn over; in the next row, the removed loop and yarn over are knitted as 1 loop;
Elastic loop closure: 1 knit stitch behind the back wall, 1 purl loop, return the 2 loops you just knitted to the left needle and purl them together, *1 knit loop behind the back wall, return the just knitted 2 loops from the right knitting needle to the left knitting needle and knit them together knit behind the back wall, purl 1 stitch, return the 2 loops you just knitted to the left needle and purl them together; repeat from * to the last stitch on the right needle, cut the yarn and pull it through the last stitch.;

Using size 3.5 knitting needles and yarn B, using German twisted stitch cast on, cast on 17 (14, 16, 16, 18) stitches, place marker, cast on 33 (35, 37, 39, 39) stitches, place marker, cast on 17 (14, 16, 16, 18) stitches, place marker, cast on 33 (35, 37, 39, 39) stitches for a total of 100 (98, 106, 110, 114) stitches.
Do not turn knitting. Change knitting needles to number 3.
Move all stitches to the other end of the circular needle and join yarn A.
1st round (A): knit stitches to marker, marker, [1 knit stitch, 1 slip crochet stitch] - to last stitch before marker, 1 knit stitch, marker, knit stitches to marker, marker, [1 knit stitch loop, slip 1 loop with double crochet] - to the last loop, 1 knit stitch.
Join the stitches in a circular row and place a distinctive marker for the beginning of the row.
1st round (B): *purl stitches to marker, marker, [1 slip crochet stitch, 1 purl brioche stitch] – to last stitch before marker, slip 1 double crochet stitch, marker; repeat from * again.
2nd round (A): *knit stitches to marker, marker, [1 knit brioche stitch, slip 1 double crochet] – to last stitch before marker, 1 knit brioche stitch, marker; repeat from * again.
2nd round (B): *purl stitches to marker, marker, [1 slip crochet stitch, 1 purl brioche stitch] – to last stitch before marker, slip 1 double crochet stitch, marker; repeat from * again.
Repeat the 2nd row (with threads A and B) 13 more times - a total of 30 rows are knitted.
Change knitting needles to number 3.5.
Comment: Next will be the yoke shaping, which will start with increases on the front and back only, then increases will be done on the sleeves only, and finally increases will be done on the front, back and sleeves at the same time.
Increases on the front and back are made as follows:
1st round row (incs, A): *knit stitches to marker, marker, inc 2 stitches (as described above), [1 slip crochet stitch, 1 knit brioche stitch] – up to 2 stitches before marker , slip 1 stitch, add 2 stitches, marker; repeat from * again - 8 loops added.
1st round row (incs, B): *purl stitches to marker, marker, slip 1 stitch, purl 1 loop, [slip 1 stitch, purl 1 brioche stitch] – up to 3 stitches before marker, Slip 1 stitch with double crochet, 1 purl loop, slip 1 stitch with double crochet, marker; repeat from * again.
2nd round (A): *knit stitches to marker, marker, [1 knit brioche stitch, slip 1 double crochet] – to last stitch before marker, 1 knit brioche stitch, marker; repeat from * again.
2nd round (B): *purl stitches to marker, marker, [1 slip crochet stitch, 1 purl brioche stitch] – to last stitch before marker, slip 1 double crochet stitch, marker; repeat from * again.
Repeat rows 1-2 3 (4, 5, 6, 8) more times – 132 (138, 154, 166, 186) stitches on needles.
Additions for sleeves are made as follows:
1st round row (incs, A): * 1 knit stitch, inc 1 knit stitch to the right, knit stitches to the last stitch before the marker, inc 1 knit stitch to the left, 1 knit stitch, marker, [1 knit brioche loop, Slip 1 stitch] – to the last stitch before the marker, 1 knit brioche stitch, marker; repeat from * again – 4 loops added.
1st round (B): *purl stitches to marker, marker, [1 slip crochet stitch, 1 purl brioche stitch] – to last stitch before marker, slip 1 double crochet stitch, marker; repeat from * again.
2nd round (A): *knit stitches to marker, marker, [1 knit brioche stitch, slip 1 double crochet] – to last stitch before marker, 1 knit brioche stitch, marker; repeat from * again.
2nd round (B): *purl stitches to marker, marker, [1 slip crochet stitch, 1 purl brioche stitch] – to last stitch before marker, slip 1 double crochet stitch, marker; repeat from * again.
Repeat rows 1-2 4 (5, 5, 8, 12) more times – 152 (162, 178, 202, 238) stitches on needles.
Next, add increments on the sleeves, front and back as follows:
1st round row (incs, A): *1 knit stitch, inc 1 knit stitch to the right, knit stitches to the last stitch before the marker, inc 1 knit stitch to the left, 1 knit stitch, marker, inc 2 sts, [Slip 1 stitch, 1 knitted brioche stitch] – up to 2 stitches before marker, slip 1 stitch, increase 2 stitches, marker; repeat from * again - 12 loops added.
1st round (B): *purl stitches to marker, marker, slip 1 stitch, purl 1, [1 slip crochet, 1 purl brioche stitch] – up to 3 stitches before marker, 1 stitch slip double crochet, purl 1 stitch, slip 1 double crochet stitch, marker; repeat from * again.
2nd round (A): *knit stitches to marker, marker, [1 knit brioche stitch, slip 1 double crochet] – to last stitch before marker, 1 knit brioche stitch, marker; repeat from * again.
2nd round (B): *purl stitches to marker, marker, [1 slip crochet stitch, 1 purl brioche stitch] – to last stitch before marker, slip 1 double crochet stitch, marker; repeat from * again.
3rd round row (incs, A): * 1 knit stitch, inc 1 knit stitch to the right, knit stitches to the last stitch before the marker, inc 1 knit stitch to the left, 1 knit stitch, marker, [1 knit brioche loop, Slip 1 stitch] – to the last stitch before the marker, 1 knit brioche stitch, marker; repeat from * again.
3rd round (B): * purl stitches to marker, marker, [1 slip crochet stitch, 1 purl brioche stitch] - to last stitch before marker, slip 1 double crochet stitch, marker; repeat from * again.
4th round (A): *knit stitches to marker, marker, [1 knit brioche stitch, slip 1 double crochet] – to last stitch before marker, 1 knit brioche stitch, marker; repeat from * again.
4th round (B): *purl stitches to marker, marker, [1 slip crochet stitch, 1 purl brioche stitch] – to last stitch before marker, slip 1 double crochet stitch, marker; repeat from * again.
Repeat rows 1-4 another 3 (4, 4, 5, 5) times, then repeat 1 time only rows 1-3, finishing next to each other with yarn B - 232 (258, 274, 314, 350) stitches on knitting needles.
Sleeve separation:
Next Round (A): Remove marker, move next 47 (50, 52, 62, 72) stitches onto right sleeve stitch holder, cast on 5 (5, 5, 5, 7) stitches using back cast-on method loop", place a marker for the new beginning of the row, cast on 4 (4, 6, 6, 6) loops, remove the marker, [1 knit brioche loop, 1 slip crochet stitch] - up to 1 loop in front of the marker, 1 knit brioche loop, remove marker, move next 47 (50, 52, 62, 72) stitches onto stitch holder for left sleeve, cast on 4 (4, 6, 6, 6) stitches, place new start of row marker, cast on 5 (5, 5, 5, 7) stitches, remove marker, [1 knit brioche stitch, slip 1 double crochet stitch] – up to 6 (6, 6, 6, 8) stitches before start of row marker, 1 knit brioche stitch.
Move both working threads to the new beginning of the row as follows:
Place both threads on the finger, thread A on the left, thread B at the back. Always start with thread A and continue with thread B.
For sizes 1, 2, 3 and 4 only:
[With thread A, slip 1 loop with a crochet, return the loop and yarn over to the left needle, with thread B 1 purl brioche loop, with thread A 1 knit loop, return the loop to the left needle, slip 1 loop with a crochet] – 2 times, with thread A 1 loop remove with a double crochet, return the loop and yarn over to the left needle, with thread B 1 purl brioche loop - 5 loops are knitted.
Only for size 5:
[With thread A, slip 1 loop with a crochet, return the loop and yarn over to the left needle, with thread B 1 purl brioche loop, with thread A 1 knit loop, return the loop to the left needle, slip 1 loop with a crochet] - 3 times, with thread A 1 loop remove with a double crochet, return the loop and yarn over to the left needle, with thread B 1 purl brioche loop - 7 loops are knitted.
For all sizes:
Next round (B): [1 slip crochet, 1 purl] – 2 (2, 3, 3, 3) times, [1 slip, 1 purl brioche loop] – for 9 (9, 11 , 11, 13) on the cast-on armpit loops, slipping off the markers that meet, [1 purl loop, slip 1 double crochet loop] – 4 (4, 5, 5, 6) times on the cast-on armpit loops, 1 purl loop, [1 purl brioche loop , slip 1 stitch with double crochet] – to end of row – on knitting needles 156 (176, 192, 212, 232) stitches: 77 (87, 97, 107, 115) stitches for front and 79 (89, 95, 105, 117) loops for the back.
Pullover Bottom:
1st round (A): [Slip 1 stitch, 1 knit brioche stitch] – to end of row.
1st round (B): [purl 1 brioche stitch, slip 1 double crochet stitch] – to the end of the row.
Repeat the 1st row (threads A and B) until the knitting height reaches 23 (25, 25, 28, 33) cm from the armpit or 7 cm before the end of the desired length, ending next with thread B.
Lower front edge:
Row 1 (knit, A): [1 slip crochet, 1 knit brioche stitch] – up to 1 stitch before marker, slip 1 stitch, remove marker, move remaining stitches to back stitch holder, removing start marker row.
Do not turn the knitting, move the front stitches to the other end of the knitting needle - there are 77 (87, 97, 107, 115) front stitches on the knitting needles.
1st row (knit, B): 1 purl brioche loop, [slip 1 double crochet stitch, 1 purl brioche loop] – to the end of the row, turn knitting.
2nd row (purl, A): slip 1 stitch with double crochet, [1 purl brioche stitch, slip 1 stitch with double crochet] – to the end of the row, move the stitches.
2nd row (purl, B): 1 knitted brioche stitch, [slip 1 double crochet stitch, 1 knitted brioche stitch] – to the end of the row, turn the knitting.
3rd row (knit, A): Slip 1 stitch, [1 knit brioche stitch, slip 1 double crochet] – to the end of the row, move the stitches.
3rd row (front, B): 1 purl brioche loop, [slip 1 loop, 1 purl brioche loop] – to the end of the row, turn knitting.
Repeat rows 2-3 8 more times, then 1 time only the 2nd row, finish with the purl row with thread B.
Cut off thread A. With thread B, bind off the loops using the elastic method described above.
Lower back edge:
On the right side, return 79 (89, 95, 105, 117) back stitches to the needles. Attach threads A and B.
1st row (knit, A): knit 2 stitches together with a slant to the right, [1 slip double crochet, 1 knit brioche loop] – up to the last 3 stitches, slip 1 double crochet, knit 2 stitches together with a tilt to the left, move the loops - there are 77 (87, 97, 107, 115) loops on the needles.
1st row (knit, B): [1 slip double crochet, 1 purl brioche stitch] – to the last stitch, slip 1 double crochet, turn knitting.
Row 2 (purl, A): 1 purl brioche stitch, [slip 1 stitch, 1 purl brioche stitch] – to the end of the row, move the stitches.
2nd row (purl, B): slip 1 stitch with double crochet, [1 knit brioche stitch, slip 1 stitch with double crochet] – to the end of the row, turn knitting.
3rd row (knit, A): 1 knitted brioche stitch, [1 slip double crochet stitch, 1 knitted brioche stitch] – to the end of the row, move the stitches.
3rd row (front, B): slip 1 stitch with double crochet, [1 purl brioche stitch, slip 1 stitch with double crochet] – to the end of the row, turn knitting.
Repeat rows 2-3 13 more times, then 1 time only the 2nd row, finish with a purl row with thread B.
Cut thread A. Using thread B, bind off the loops using the elastic method.

Return the sleeve loops to the knitting needles. On the front side, starting from the corner of the cast-on stitches for the armpit, with thread B, cast on and knit 5 (5, 7, 7, 7) loops to the center of the cast-on armpit stitches, place a marker for the beginning of the row, cast on and knit 6 (6, 6, 6, 8) loops on the remaining cast-on armpit loops. Cut yarn B. Slip last 6 (6, 6, 6, 8) stitches back onto left needle - 58 (61, 65, 75, 87) stitches on needles.
1st circular row: attach thread A, slip 1 loop, knit 4 loops, knit 2 loops together with a slant to the left, knit loops to the last 7 loops, knit 2 loops together with a knit slant to the right, 5 knit loops are decreased 2 loops.
2nd round: join thread B, knit 1 stitch, purl stitches to last stitch, slip 1 stitch.
3rd round: Yarn A, slip 1 stitch, knit stitches to end of row.
4th round: strand B, knit 1 stitch, purl stitches to last stitch, slip 1 stitch.
The last two rows establish a repeat of the striped pattern.
Work straight 18 (14, 10, 10, 10) rows in a striped pattern.
Circular row of decreases: thread A, slip 1 loop, knit 2 stitches together with a slant to the left, knit stitches to the last 3 loops, knit 2 loops together with a knit stitch slanting to the right, 1 knit loop - 2 loops decreased.
Continuing to knit in a striped pattern, repeat these decreases in each 20 (18, 16, 16, 16) row another 4 (5, 6, 10, 11) times - there are 48 (49, 51, 53, 61) stitches on the needles.
Continue knitting straight until the sleeve length reaches 37 (37, 37, 37, 39) cm from the armpit or 3 cm shorter than the final length, ending with thread B next to it. Cut off thread A.
With yarn B, bind off all the stitches using the elastic stitch binding method.
Thread the ends of the threads. Steam a knitted pullover.
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My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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