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Knitting, Knitting ideas, Sweaters, pullovers, jumpers

Jumper with flower applique

вязаный пуловер

 Изюминка этого джемпера в оригинальной линии рукава и асимметрично расположенной мотиве аппликации. Простой глубокий круглый вырез только подчеркивает эти изыски. Низ джемпера также выпонен в популярной в этом сезоне манере. Кроме того, линейка — в трех размерах!

SIZES36/38 (40/42) 44/46


YOU WILL NEED Yarn (54% superfine alpaca, 24% polyamide, 22% fine merino wool; 199 m/25 g) - 125 (125) 150 g light green; knitting needles No. 3.5; hook No. 3,5 and 3.


FACE SMOOTH Face rows - front loops, purl rows - purl loops.


Knit according to the pattern.

схема вязания крючком

KNITTING DENSITY 22 p. x 36 r. = 10 x 10 cm, knitted with stockinette stitch.



Cast on 49 (57) 65 stitches and knit 1 purl row.
Next, knit in stockinette stitch, while for rounding on both sides, additionally cast on every 2nd r. 1 x 4 p., 1 x 3 p., 2 x 2 p., 2 x 1 p., 2 x 2 p., 1 x 3 p. and 1 x 4 p. = 97 (105) 113 p.
After 36 cm = 130 rub. from the initial row, decrease on both sides for armholes 1 x 3 p., 1 x 2 p. and 6 x 1 p. = 75 (83) 91 p.
After 16 (18) 20 cm = 58 (66) 72 r. from the beginning of the armhole, close the middle 41 stitches for the neckline and finish the left side first.
To round the neck along the inner edge, close every 2nd r. 1 x 5 p. and 1 x 2 p. = 10 (14) 18 p. In the next row, bind off the remaining loops.
Finish the other side symmetrically.


Knit like a back, but for a deeper neckline after 5 (7) 9 cm = 10 (16) 20 r. from the beginning of the armhole, close the middle 17 sts and finish the left side first.
To round the inner edge, close in every 2nd r. 1 x 3 p., 1 x 2 p., 13 x 1 p. and in the 4th p. 1 x 1 p. = 10 (14) 18 p.
After 13 cm = 46 r. From the beginning of the neck close the remaining loops.
Finish the other side symmetrically.


Cast on 47 (50) 55 stitches on the knitting needles for each sleeve and knit 1 purl. purl row.
Next, knit in stockinette stitch, while for bevels add on both sides every 18th r. 2 x 1 p. and in every 14th r. 6 x 1 p. (in every 12th row 5 x 1 p. and in every 10th row 6 x 1 p.) in every 8th row. 5 x 1 p. and in every 10th r. 8 x 1 p. = 63 (72) 81 p.
After 35 cm = 126 rubles. from the initial row, close on both sides to roll up the sleeves in every 2nd row. 2 x 2 p. and 5 x 1 p., then in every 4th r. 2 x 1 p. = 41 (50) 59 p. In the next 2nd p. close all loops.


Sew shoulder seams.

Using a hook No. 3.5, tie 1 circle around the neck. Art. b/n, then crochet No. 3, knit another 1 circle. p/st.
Sew side seams.
Using hook No. 3.5, tie the lower edges of the back and front, as well as the sleeves, 1 round. Art. b/n and 1 circle.r. p/st.
Sew in the sleeves, leaving 12 cm open on both sides of the shoulder seam. Tie 1 circle around the upper edges of the sleeves and the outer edges of the open armholes. Art. b/n and 1 circle.r. p/st.

For a crocheted flower insert, use crochet number 3 according to the diagram for a total of 14 flowers and connect them according to the diagram.

Place the crocheted flowers on the left open armhole, sew the upper edges to the neckline, making sure that the vertical line in the diagram aligns with the shoulder seam and the middle of the left sleeve, the lower 3 flowers lie on the sleeve.

Thus, the hole on the shoulder is completely covered with flowers.

Secure the edges of the outer flowers with a few stitches on the front and back.
Sew the sleeve seams.

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