A beautiful and feminine jumper model with an openwork pattern, knitted on 4 mm knitting needles from wool yarn. Knitting a sweater begins with a collar in the round, all patterns are knitted according to the patterns given in the description and are located only on the front and back parts, while the sleeves are completely knitted in stockinette stitch.
Dimensions: S — M — L — XL — XXL — XXXL

You will need: yarn DROPS KARISMA from Garnstudio 500-550-600-650-700-800 gr. color 79, lemon; stocking and circular knitting needles (40 and 80 cm) No. 4 mm; stocking and circular needles (40 and 80 cm) No. 3.5 mm for elastic.
Knitting density: 21 p. x 28 r. stockinette stitch = 10 x 10 cm.
Garter stitch (in the round): 1 garter row = 2 rounds: 1 row of knit stitches and 1 row of purl stitches.
Pattern diagram: see diagrams A.1-A.4. Select the pattern for your size (for pattern A.2).

Uniform increases:
To make even increases, divide the total number of stitches (for example, 88 stitches) by the required number of increases (for example, 10) = 8.8.
In this example, for increases, make 1 yarn over approx. after every 9th loop. In the next row, knit yarn overs with knitted yarn overs.
Lateral increases:
Without tying 2 stitches to the marker, make 1 yarn over, knit 2, marker, knit 2, 1 yarn over (= increase 2 stitches). In the next row, knit the yarn overs with knit stitches crossed, then knit the added loops in stockinette stitch.
Sleeve decreases:
Without knitting 3 stitches to the marker, knit 2 stitches together, knit 1, marker, knit 1, slip 1 stitch as knit, knit 1, throw the removed stitch over the knitted one (= decrease 2 stitches. ).
Description of work:
The neckline, yoke and body of the jumper are knitted in the round on circular needles from top to bottom. The sleeves are knitted in the round on short circular/sock needles at the top.
Please note that when indicating the number of loops on the yoke and the main part, the number of loops in the repeat pattern A.3 is 16, while the number of loops in this pattern varies from 16 to 17. If you knitted only 1-2-5 or 6 row of pattern A.3, you will have 4 more loops on your knitting needles.
Cast on 88-88-92-96-104-104 sts on short circular needles No. 3.5 mm and knit according to pattern A.1. When you have worked a complete repeat of pattern A.1, knit 1 row, evenly increasing 10-10-6-22-14-14 sts = 98-98-98-118-118-118 sts. Switch to size 4 mm needles and knit a yoke.
First row: pattern A.2 (= 5-5-5-15-15-15 sts), A.3 (= 16 sts), 1 yarn over, 12 stitches in stockinette stitch (= sleeve), 1 yarn over, pattern A.3 (= 16 stitches), A.2 (= 5-5-5-15-15-15 stitches), A.3 (= 16 stitches), 1 yarn over, 12 stitches in stockinette stitch ( = sleeve), 1 yarn over, pattern A.3 (= 16 p.). You should have 106-106-106-126-126-126 sts.
Continue knitting according to this pattern, making increases on the front and back on each side in pattern A.2. On the sleeves for increases, make 1 yarn over on each side of the stitches in stockinette stitch. Repeat the increases in every 2nd row (in the next row after the increases, knit the yarn overs with knit stitches). Knit the added stitches on the sleeves using stockinette stitch; on the front and back, include the added loops in pattern A.2.
When you knit 1 vertical repeat of pattern A.2, you will have a total of 250-250-250-270-270-270 stitches. Continue knitting, repeating pattern A.2 in height; every 10 rows you will have more than 1 horizontal repeat of the openwork pattern on the shelf and back.
When you make a total of 24-29-34-34-39-44 increases, you will have 290-330-370-390-430-470 stitches, the height of the yoke will be approx. 19-22-26-26-30-33 cm from the cast-on edge (measure at the middle of the front).
Next row: knit 69-79-89-99-109-119 sts according to the same pattern (= back), transfer the next 60-70-80-80-90-100 sts to the auxiliary stitch. thread for the sleeve, cast on 6-6-6-8-8-10 stitches to trim the sleeve, knit the next 85-95-105-115-125-135 stitches (= front), transfer the next 60-70-80- 80-90-100 p. for auxiliary thread for the sleeve, cast on 6-6-6-8-8-10 stitches to trim the sleeve and knit the remaining 16 stitches (= back). Cut the thread and knit the main part with the sleeves separately. Measure the knitting length from this point.

Main part:
= 182-202-222-246-266-290 sts. Place a marker on each side, in the middle of the cast-on 6-6-6-8-8-10 undercut stitches. Move the markers up as you knit; they will be needed to indicate lateral increases.
Start a row from one of the markers and knit as follows: knit 3-3-3-4-4-5 stitches in stockinette stitch, continue to knit the next 16 stitches with pattern A.3, pattern A.4A (= 9 stitches), knit the next 30-40-50-60-70-80 stitches according to pattern A.4B (= 3-4-5-6-7-8 repeats of 10 stitches), pattern A.4C (= 14 stitches) , continue to knit the next 16 sts with pattern A.3, 6-6-6-8-8-10 sts in stockinette stitch (there is a marker in the middle of these stitches), continue to knit the next 16 sts with pattern A.3, pattern A. 4A (= 9 sts), knit the next 30-40-50-60-70-80 sts according to pattern A.4B (= 3-4-5-6-7-8 repeats of 10 sts), pattern A .4C (= 14 sts), continue to knit the next 16 sts according to pattern A.3, knit the remaining 3-3-3-4-4-5 sts in stockinette stitch.
Next, knit according to this pattern. After 4 cm from the place of division, increase 1 st on each side of the side markers = increase 4 sts. Repeat increases every 6-6-5-6-5-5 cm a total of 5 times = 202-222-242-266- 286-310 sts. When you knit approx. 35-34-32-34-32-31 cm from the division point (finish a full repeat of the pattern in height), switch to needles No. 3.5 mm and knit 2 scarf rows. Then bind off the stitches loosely with knit stitches using 4mm needles. The length of the finished jumper from the shoulder line is approx. 58-60-62-64-66-68 cm.
Перенесите 60-70-80-80-90-100 п. с одной вспом. нити на короткие круговые/чулочные спицы № 4 мм, подняв набранные 6-6-6-8-8-10 п. подреза = 66-76-86-88-98-110 п. В середине петель подреза поставьте 1 маркер и передвигайте его вверх в процессе работы. Начните вязать от маркера вкруговую лицевой гладью. Через 2-1-1-1-1-1 см убавьте 2 п. возле маркера. Повторяйте убавки в каждом 2-м ряду всего 1-2-3-3-4-7 раз = 64-72-80-82-90-96 п. Затем делайте убавки через каждые 3½-2½-2-2-1½-1 см всего 12-15-18-18-21-23 раза = останется 40-42-44-46-48-50 п. Далее вяжите без убавок, пока длина рукава не достигнет 46-44-40-40-37-35 см от места разделения (или другой желаемой длины). Перейдите на спицы № 3.5 мм и провяжите 2 платочных ряда. Затем свободно закройте петли спицами № 4 мм. Длина рукава от места разделения — ок. 47-45-41-41-38-36 см. Таким же образом свяжите второй рукав.
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My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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