Жакет спицами Rosemary — прекрасное дополнение к летнему гардеробу. Жакет с коротким рукавом и круглой кокеткой — удобный и очень практичный. Этот жакет спицами станет Вашим любимцем.
S — M — L — XL — XXL — XXXL

300-350-350-400-400-450g (100% cotton, 50g/75m)
circular knitting needles No. 5 (80 cm)
3 buttons
Knitting density
17 stitches x 22 rows in stockinette stitch = 10 x 10 cm.
Knitting pattern
Row 1: * knit 1, purl 1 *, repeat *-*.
Row 2: knit over knit and purl over purl.
Row 3: knit.
Row 4: knit.
Close the loops on the right shelf for the loop. 1 buttonhole = knit 2 together three times and knit the 4th stitch and yarn over.
Close the buttonhole loops when the length of the fabric is
Size S: 36, 41 and 46 cm
Size M: 37, 42 and 48 cm
Size L: 38, 44 and 50 cm
Size XL: 38, 44 and 51 cm
Size XXL: 39, 46 and 53 cm
Size XXXL: 39, 47 and 55 cm
Recommendations for cutting loops
Reduce from the face: the first 2 loops of the loops with the first marker: 2 together, 1 knit, skip 1 loop, knit 1 knit and thread the previous one into it (2 together with a tilt to the left (psso)).
Knitting tips
If you knit too tightly, the raglan will be very short and the armhole will be tight. In this case, it is necessary to add rows without reductions, between rows with reductions.
Knitting a jacket
We knit the back and front on circular knitting needles.
Cast on 147-161-177-193-211-233 stitches (including 6 for placket on each side) on size 5 circular needles. Work 4 rows in garter stitch. Next, continue to knit 6 placket stitches on each side in stockinette stitch.
Continue knitting the placket in garter stitch until the very end. Remember the knitting density. Enter 2 markers to separate front and back: 39-43-47-51-55-61 stitches on each side, retreat for front. Back = 69-75-83-91-101-111 sts.
When the length of the fabric is 8 cm, reduce one loop on each side of the marker, repeat this reduction when the length of the fabric is 12 cm = 139-153-169-185-203-225 loops.
When the jacket length is 18 cm, increase one stitch on each side of the marker, then repeat this increase when the jacket length is 24-25-26-27-28-29 cm = 147-161-177-193-211- 233 loops.
When the length of the fabric measures 32-33-34-34-35-35 cm (from the face), work in garter stitch over 12 stitches on each side of the marker (= 6 on each side of the marker), work the remaining stitches in stockinette stitch.
When 5 rows of garter stitch have been worked over 12 stitches on each side, cast off 8 stitches in the middle of the 12 for the armhole with the next row on the wrong side = 131-145-161-177-195-217 stitches.
At this moment, the length of the jacket fabric = 34-35-36-36-37-37 cm.
Knitting a jacket yoke
We knit the first row from the face as follows:
We knit the right front as before, then above the armhole we cast on 41-45-49-53-55-59 new stitches, we knit the back in stockinette stitch, and above the other armhole we again cast on 41-45-49-53-55-59 new stitches , knit the left front = 213-235-259-283-305-335 loops. Knit 3 over all stitches.
Insert markers at the beginning and end of new stitches – raglan line (= 4 markers). Read the description to the end before starting knitting.
Now we knit from the face as follows: 6 loops in garter stitch, according to the pattern over the next 29-33-37-41-45-51 loops, 1 loop in stocking stitch, according to the pattern over the next 39-43-47-51-53-57 loops , 1 stockinette, ), according to the pattern over the following 61-67-75-83-93-103 loops, 1 stocking, according to the pattern the following 39-43-47-51-53-57 loops, 1 stocking, according to the pattern 29-33 -37-41-45-51 stitches, 6 stitches in garter stitch.
Knit another row in the same way. On the next row of the face, begin cutting for the raglan next to the 4 markers, one stitch on each side = cut 8 stitches in each row with reductions - read recommendations for cutting stitches.
Repeat this reduction in every 4th row a total of 3-2-0-0-0-0 times, and in each subsequent row a total of 8-11-15-16-17-19 times. AT THE SAME TIME - when the length of the fabric is 36-37-38-39-40-41-42 cm, close the loops on the right shelf for a buttonhole - see description above.
После того, как все сокращения будут выполнены — 125-131-139-155-169-183 петель останется. Провязать 4 ряда платочной вязкой, в то же время в первом ряду сократить 0-0-3-7-13-17 петель равномерно = 125-131-136-148-156-166 петель.
Close the loops. Sew buttons.

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About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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